mariya: This is an off-topic thread where you can talk about anything you want! But please remember to follow the forum rules, and that this is not a chat room with one-word replies. Enjoy! Please remember: 1. Not to post one-worded or very short replies such as "thank you". The forum has got a thank you button (Спасибо) at the bottom of everyones posts therefore please use it ! 2. Don't post replies in which you are talking about something that is only interesting to 1 or 2 other forum members. Remember, this is a forum, and your replies have to be interesting to all members. All posts which do not follow these rules will be deleted. Thank You.
miranda: i hope she realises what a great guy she has he's imply wonderful!
Stella: i totally agree with you miranda.he is the best guy ever!a guy that every girl wants to have
MiriamEla: Has anybody responded to Gladys's comment on the Radio Koldun page about the mystery song yet? I saw those vids of Dima at ESC09... AWESOOOME And for anyone who liked the Norwegian song, I made this for my friend Ana... (that's her in the pic)
Gladys: Hello everybody!!! You know today is the bithday of the Dima`s mother Tatiayna Borisovna!!! I think we all can congratulete her and to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY,HEALTH, LOVE,LOTS OF HAPPINES AND LUCK AND EVERYTHING SHE WISH FOR!!! So you can write on this page
Borce: Thanks for the news are the best ...I wrote my message there... and now on english: Dear Mrs Tatiayna Borisovna HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mrs Tatiayna Borisovna!!!...Thank you for gave us such a great human beings like Dima and George...I wish you all the best,health,happiness and everything that you wish.... With a lot of love Borislav!!!!
silhouetteofthenight: Thank you Gladys, I'll leave a short message there too! I hope she has an amazing birthday! :)
Guinness: Gladys, thanks for the info - I would also like to raise a glass (or two!) to Dima's Mom. In the long run Mothers are the most important beings on Earth for all of us - all the rest is just rustle and bustle...
Gladys: Voting Dima on the 2th place now
Borce: Thanks for the link Gladys ...I'm voting very activ there!!!Yesterday he was 6th and now he is 2nd..that is so great!!!!We have to make him 1st!!!
Borce: Dima is FIRST!!!Yeahhhh!!!!!! Guys keep voting.....
Gladys: YES keep voting..... cos voting is changing always!!!
Gladys: The 28th of May Dmitriy Koldun will be answered on your questions during in on-line conference on ONT. Questions you can put already now.
Borce: Thanks for the info Gladys I did that yesterday and besides my two questions I wrote also that I want to see him again on ESC 2010 and that all international fans suport him about that!!
Gladys: NEWS Large charitable concert in the Palace of sport to the Day of defence children! The 30th of May in the Palace of sport large charitable concert will take place The Belorussian musicians and stars will take part in it. All money from the sale of tickets will go on helping to the children with oncological and haematological diseases. THEY NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Local fund «Touch to life» at support of Department of education, Ministries of culture and Ministry of information of Republic Belorussiya will organized this Large charitable concert for helping to the children with oncological and haematological diseases. Dima will take part in this charitable concert too!
miranda: that's great!
Borce: Yeah I agree and also he will be on MTV this Sunday in one really intersting show...I really can't wait to see him there!!!!!
ybet: Agree, but what happenmd with the show last night??
Borce: Ybet I read here that Dima's fan club in Vitebsk,Belarus met with Dima yesterday and had contact with him and they told that they will write about the concert in Sunday and also that they will put pictures and I hope on videos too...
miranda: that's good! i envy them so much!
balalark: News from official site. Live on ONT-Radio (Belarus) June 1, 2009 On June 1st from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Belarus time Dmitry Koldun will be live on air with ONT Radio, Belarus ( You can ask your questions via sms to the number 9109 or by phone +375 17 290 6505 . click here
Borce: Btw did someone watch the show with Dima on MTV yesterday?I want to ask how was the show and did someone record the show?
Guinness: I did, however I wasn't recording. To be honest with you, it was not worth recording anyway, as Dima spoke less than two minutes in total, and was not particularly keen on fighting for the microphone! Indeed I don't understand why Dima had chosen to attend the show and sit on the panel of judges - just PR??? And I am not sure he had known who would be joining him on the panel - almost half of his "colleagues" were what we usually call "have-beens", that is, outdated pop singers, stars of 1980s, like Alyona Apina, Natalia Gul'kina, Victor Saltykov, Igor Sarukhanov (if those neames mean anything to younger generation)... For them, appearing on the MTV show was just about the last chance to remind the TV audience of their existence. I do not really believe it was the right company for Dima, even as a PR move in anticipation of his first album. And in addition to that, all the three video clips shown and judged by the panel, to my mind, were not exactly thrilling! So, Borce, cheer up - you have not missed anything important!
miranda: everything with dima is worth watching for me. even if he only speaks less than 1 minute.
Gladys: Borce,Miranda There is the show with Dima on MTV on the radio Koldun
silhouetteofthenight: Thanks for sharing Gladys! guys, can someone please tell what Dima said in his last post yesterday in audio/video discussion, because google translation really doesn't make any sense..
Guinness: silhouetteofthenight пишет: guys, can someone please tell what Dima said in his last post yesterday in audio/video discussion, because google translation really doesn't make any sense.. Dear Silhouetteofthenight, I regret to tell you (and this is between you and me of course) that there is nothing wrong with Google translation... It is Dima's message itself that doesn't make any sense!!! However, being bilingual by virtue of birth (or by virtue of magic!), I dare offer my modest translation below... As if it helps....... "Hi! It is no good to speak bad! But what can be done when discords reign everywhere, and there is no place on Earth where one can escape and nestle to… so one has to hold on his Neutralism. I longed to be at the shooting of the program, and here we go - I was shown on the TV! And what did I intend to say by that? “Here I am” or something else… Only He knows that! This is like on the EurovisiON… if you want to witness your own failure – drink vodka… Because everything here cuts three ways, namely: failure, fame, experience! And life is given to us to value our experience last…" Can you make head or tail of it??? I could not possibly do that!
ybet: Guinness пишет: Can you make head or tail of it??? I could not possibly do that! me either.. but maybe 'cause i have no idea what was the main topic of the discussion but anyway thank you for translating for us
silhouetteofthenight: Guinness thanks for translating it for us. Actually sometimes google totally doesn't make sense, so I woludn't be surprised this time hehe but however, it seems Dima likes to play with our minds sometimes lol do I sense there a flavor of poetry though? it's not necessary it makes head or tale, but I think he was kinda referring to life and experiences he's had.. who knows what's going on in this head of Dima's sometimes when he's writing us here,right xP
Guinness: Dear Silhouetteofthenight, I fully agree that Dima's message was definitely supposed to be felt rather than understood. And I am glad you can sense a flavour of poetry - it means, not al of this flavour was lost on translation. Incidentally, at 09:15 today Dima has posted another message, and I will try to translate it later today - if I only can!
Borce: Incidentally, at 09:15 today Dima has posted another message, and I will try to translate it later today - if I only can! OMG спасибо огромное Guinness!!!! I only understood that he write the message before he went to Minsk and that he is talking about some calendar... What is the story about the calendar?Btw today is the press conference...I can't wait....
Gladys: Dima`s message..... "Good morning all death-people! At times this world disgusting , but at the same time rich and wonderful... Approximately with such ideas I abandon the World capital - Moscow... it is, brothers and sisters, whew look through the home window from the height of 40 metrov and understand that you are in the world, but ot this understanding not a single grain of sand will be moved in nightly landscape, so a man is small, infinitely insignificant in the world of time and space. First awareness came to me in 1989th, when in winter, standing at a window, I expressly realized that I am four with a half years. I then tried on a circular universal calendar to calculate, in what day of week for me it will be bithday in 2000... It seemed the boundless future... And yesterday at night I similarly stood at a window, now after a window darkly... All as then, only it was not in the hands of calendar, and for some reason quite uninteresting, in what day for me it will be bithday in some year and whether it will be." Its very sad message.... I do not know why.....
Borce: Its very sad message.... I do not know why..... Dimka is sad today about something because that meassage is sad but we all have those days when we are sad about something. I'm sure that today's online conference will make him happy because all fans love his very much!!!
Stella: i agree with you Vorce it is a very sad message i hope to find his lovely smile again
silhouetteofthenight: Guys! I got this awesome idea. as you all might know, Dima's birthday is coming soon and as admin of international website I was thinking of creating something like a little book with all the messages from the fans all over the world. Maybe with pics too, but right now I'm only thinking about messages in text. The thing I have in mind would look something like this click here but with more pages and of course with a lot nicer design. I want your opinion on that, if possible from as much fans as possible, cause I'd include you russians and your messages in the book as well! :) also, I'd need response from Antis, because when I was checking Koldun's website for some address contact where this book could be then shipped, so that it would get in Dima's hands there's no address, only email and phone numbers, so before I can even start with this project I'd need someone who has some closer contact with Dima's administration to get me the address where this book could be sent for Dima when it'd be finished.
Borce: WOW Snezana I'm impress of this briliant idea!!! I like that you also include the russians fans...Btw Nadia also will make birthday video from all fans from his english forum so I have colecting messages and Snezana I will give you also the messages for the book..I have many messages from many international fans... Ones again I really like the idea and about Dima to reseve it I think that is possible but someone from here like you said can do that....
ybet: silhouetteofthenight That's a great idea:)) But nadia is also making a fan video with our wishes and some of us will record the messages, so it would be great if dima could see this video too!;))
Borce: Dima will see the messages in the video but now he will also read them That will be double success....
silhouetteofthenight: So, I talked with the printing company today and they said they'd be able to make the book. Borce, thanks, glad you like it. I'd ask you for the messages for Dima to not be longer than 2 sentences, because otherwise all won't fit in the book. Also, I'll make a special section for this on international website, but first like I said before I can even start with the project I need info how this book could be handed to Dima then. So anyone from the forum that can help me with this send me a PM here please as soon as possible. and after I have that, I hope you guys will start leaving the messages there. Also Borce, I'd ask you to post every message in a comment over there when this section is open with a name of a fan, country and message, so all comments separated, so I know which message is from which and to avoid confusion in the book. And for the russian, belarusian fans I'd ask you Gladys if you'd be able to help and tell the admin if you are allowed to open your own topic in russian part of the forum where you'll post the messages and then you'll forward them to me. This separate section is because I know many of the fans here don't visit/or understand english section, so you guys can stick with russian language because messages will be posted in russian and in english in the book unless you think It'd be better for messages to be in russian only- though this would require someone to translate english messages properly, but I think this would be too much work, so I think we should stick to english and russian messages, what do you guys think about that?
Borce: I agree with you...why not the messages from his international fans to be on english...I like this idea it will be more intersting some messages on english some on russian... Btw I will now post the messages that I have till now from Dima's international fans in his english forum in General disscusion you can check and save them from there
MiriamEla: Here's mine: Hi Dima! I've been a fan of yours for over a year now: your magic definitely worked on me! I wish you a very happy twenty-fourth and a lot of success. Я тебя люблю! ~Miriam from Michigan, USA
silhouetteofthenight: I agree with you...why not the messages from his international fans to be on english...I like this idea it will be more intersting some messages on english some on russian... Btw I will now post the messages that I have till now from Dima's international fans in his english forum in General disscusion you can check and save them from there that's great, glad you like the idea. I will check them later today and also post all the info regarding the book on international website, so check there later today please. :)
MiriamEla: AWESOME NEWS!!! My Belarussian friend Ana is going to Minsk this summer (like every summer) and she's joined a Dima Koldun fan club so that she can go to a concert, meet him, and get his autograph for me!!! There's one snag though: she's been checking and says he may not have that many concerts in the area. Would people here tell me anything they know about this?
MiriamEla: Alright, this has been confusing me for quite some time. How the heck do people get personal titles on this forum?? (double post... this forum has been amazingly inactive)
nadia2: Personal titles??? What is that?
MiriamEla: Some people have stuff under their usernames besides "advanced member" or "administrator" or "moderator"... I first saw that Dima had one, but I just assumed he did because he's Dima... then I saw that the admins had them but they're the admins... and now I saw that someone who's just a regular member has one -- how does that work?
Gladys: MiriamEla I think you can do it yourself!!! There is Звание in your profile Find it. Push on редактировать профайл and in Звание wrote your personal title as you want!!!
miranda: i can't find it gladys!
Gladys: miranda Its in your profile Звание On the left side
miranda: Gladys oh ok but how do i change it? i can't write anything
Gladys: miranda Push on редактировать профайл
MiriamEla: I can't enter anything in there!! Do I need to talk to the admins or something?
Gladys: MiriamEla If you can`t enter ask the admins
MiriamEla: Meh... do they know English well enough or will I have to get someone to translate my message? (again?)
Gladys: NEWS Day of Russia" on the Red square The 12th of June Dmitry Koldun will be in concert «Russia is young» in honour Day of Russia, which will pass on the Red square. You can look a direct translation on the TV channel «Russia»,in 22:00 (moscow time).
Borce: I have РТР планета and I just checked their program for Friday and they will also show the concert LIVE!!!!So I can see him live on tv !!!!!!I can't wait Friday to come...This will be first performance of Dima with 24 years....
Gladys: MiriamEla Try again yourself !!! There is Звание in your profile Push on редактировать профайл and in Звание wrote your personal title as you want!!! If you can`t .... ask the admins I can translate your message
Borce: С Днем РожденияС Днем РожденияС Днем РожденияС Днем РожденияС Днем Рождения ДИМКА Privet Dimka!!! Ya hachu pazhelat' tibe schastlivovo dnya razhdeniya i vsego nailuchshevo. ya zhelayu tibe otlichnogo dnya segodnya patamu chto eto tvoj den'. ya tebya ochen' lyublyu, moj bratishka!!!!!!!!!! С Днем РожденияС Днем РожденияС Днем РожденияС Днем РожденияС Днем Рождения ДИМКА Dimka I wish you a lot of love,success,health,happiness......... and everything but everything that you wish because you are THE BEST and you deserve everything the best!!!HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY DIMA!!!!
MiriamEla: I already sent Dima a present through the PM system, but I'll just say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIMKA DARLING!!!
miranda: S dnem rozhdenya Dimka! I hope you have a great birthday!
Borce: Yeah and we can see the party live: now he is online....he is not still there but the party will begin at 16:00 moscow time...
miranda: that's great! i can't wait!
ybet: Borce пишет: Yeah and we can see the party live: It was very nice to watch it live, it seems they really had a good time there..! Thank u Dima for sharing it with us :) and again Happy Birthday
Borce: It was AMAZING!!!!!!Thank you Dimka for this lovely moments,,,I really enjoyed in the party....Now I want to see pictures and videos!!! Ones again HAPPY BIRTHDAY and all the best because you are the BEST!!!
MiriamEla: OMG!!! DIMA REPLIED TO ME!!! All he said was "Spasibo" but still... I have a PM from Dima! *jumps around excitedly*
miranda: that's awesome! i envy you!
silhouetteofthenight: Ela that's cool! either way HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIMA! blahh I'm late again and I missed the online stream..darn time zones! x.x
myrtw: Happy Birthday to Dima! I wish him all the best kiss! BTW I also watched the party with a friend and he looked so funny
miranda: i liked when they zoomed in at his diplomas from different events
Sara: He seemed to have a good time, that's all that counts
miranda: yeah, he looked so shy sometimes he was so cute!
MiriamEla: I saw the vid Meital posted on YouTube, but that one's fast-forwarded and the sound's cut out. D=
miranda: it was sound when they broadcasted, i dunno why she cut it out
MiriamEla: Have you seen the page for the web interview yet?
Gladys: Dima`s blogs where he told about Sochi
Borce: Have you seen the page for the web interview yet? Yeah I have seen and I left my question for Dima there!!!
miranda: MiriamEla пишет: Have you seen the page for the web interview yet? I haven't. Was it me you asked?
Borce: Here you have it Miranda:
miranda: i wrote a really long reply, but i cant see it! i can't remember what i wrote!
Borce: Don't worry Miranda and I when I wrote it first couldn't see it but later they will add it... Oh that is question is very short... Btw you are welcome!!!
MiriamEla: Apparently there are admins who need to approve your question before it shows up. I made Ana (Fairytale on this forum) submit my question in Russian, just because... And I was asking everybody here. EDIT: 102nd post!! =D
ybet: Can we write our ideas in english or we have to write them in russian language??
balalark: ybet , I believe it is possible to send your thoughts in English. Good luck!
Borce: Can someone tell me what is that видеоряд???What kind of video we should make???Please can someone tell me
Gladys: Borce Видеоряд -one action follow for another
Borce: So the video should be made in Microsoft Power Point with slides or???
Gladys: Borce No! Simple write your idea
Borce: Oh thanks Gladys ...When I see the word "видеоряд"I thought that the story should be written in some video...but no we should write only story like text....I understand now!!!
Borce: Btw we need a little help His international fans also will take a part of this lovely competition but we need the corect translation of the song so can someone translate"Nastroysa na menya" for us Pleaseee???
Gladys: But its not easy "Nastroysa na menya" Tune on to me Night. And fires are invite. Cars are never sleep - Infinite series. You - with a code on a hand You is swiming in the neon river - In the protracted jump. Refrain: I switch on my wave , You tune on to me. I will catch your wave - second before you. Light. Men-moths. Their hearts-locks are closed, All - as twins. Hide. Stained-glass windows-eyes. Do not believe smiles-addresses, and tender voices.
Borce: OMG spasibo ogromnoe Gladys You helped us a lot!!!Now is more easy to write the story!!!
silhouetteofthenight: wow! I like this new contest very much. Will try to put something together. also can't wait for the video then and release date of the album! yay! :))
miranda: yey! this is great news!!! and l love that song!
Sara: I'm really excited that he'll shoot a clip for that song, it's awesome
Gladys: Рlaylist radio KOLDUN. 19.06.09. - Alesya - (music: Олег Иванов, text Анатолий Поперечный) - Angel mechty - (music: Дмитрий Колдун, text: Денис Лис) - Bezrabotnaya lubov - (music: Баграт Вартанян, text: Константин Арсенев.) - Devushka mechty - Cha-cha-cha - Get up get down (Йорген Элофссон, Маки Колемайнен, Трэйси Липп) - Don’t fade awаy ( music: Баграт Вартанян, Дмитрий Колдун; text: Дмитрий Басик) - Instrument - I surrender (music: Илья Брылин, text: Илья Брылин/Сергей Саунин) - Kazhdiy den na zemle - (music: Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев) - Klyatva_Xoakina - (music: Алексей Рыбников, text: Павел Грушко) - May Be (text/music: Дмитрий Колдун) - Mest_Xoakina - (music: Алексей Рыбников, text: Павел Грушко) - Nastroisya_na_menya - (music: Дмитрий Колдун/ Баграт Вартанян, text: Ирина Секачева ) - Ne ray - (music: Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев ) - Ne ray instrument - Neseryozno (music: Виктор Дробыш, text: А. А'Ким) - Pesnya_Xoakina - (music: Алексей Рыбников, text: Павел Грушко) - Plach'_i_poy - Плачь и пой (music: Баграт Вартанян, Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев)- Plohaya novost (music:Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев) - Poezd na yug (music:Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев) - Po venam (music: Илья Брылин, text: Илья Брылин/Сергей Саунин) - Po venam instrument - Prosti za vse (music: Игорь Латышко/Виктор Дробыш, text: Игорь Латышко) - Reality of dreams (music: Баграт Вартанян, text: Дмитрий Басик) - Tebya luchshe net (music: Олег Елисеенков) - Ty uletish (music Руслан Квинта, text: Виталий Куровский) - Vals Boston (music/text: Александр Розенбаум) - Vechniy ogon (musicРафаил Хозак, text: Евгений Агранович) - Vse chto ty hochesh (music Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев)- Work Your Magic (Deep Zone Project Short Dance Remix) - Ya budu zhdat - Ya ne umru bez lubvi (text/music Андрей Микрюков) - Ya pridumal (music Илья Брылин, text: Илья Брылин) - Yarostniy_stroyotryad (music Александра Пахмутова, text: Николай Добронравов) - Zvezda_mix (music Алексей Рыбников, text Константин Арсенев, аранж:Дмитрий Четвергов)
Borce: I want to ask something ...Did someone from here watch the concert"Алые паруса" in Санкт-Петербург???So which songs Dima was singing there???If anybody knows please can tell me!!!
tusya: Borce, Dima wasn't showed on TV tonight so we can only wait for somebody's video on Youtube
Borce: Oh that is really sad I really wanted to see videos..but tonight also will show the concert"Песнi роднай зямлi" on TV so I really hope that someone will record it... About the concert in Санкт-Петербург I think that we will see pictures from his official site and also I hope on videos from youtube...Thanks for your answer!!!
miranda: he wasn't showed? the showed it on channel 5 in s:t petersburg. i even went to the website an checked.
Gladys: On the concert "Scarlet sails" Dima from stage said that he'll shoot a clip in St Petersburg !
Gladys: A scenario was chosen already And shooting of clip "Tune on to me" ALREADY begun in Saint Petersburg today! Dima will be in a role DJ on radio. The first photos from clip you can see here
Borce: OMGGGG started!!!!!!!! Dima looks so lovely on the set.......I can't wait to watch the video!!!!!!!!!!!!Btw who is the director???
ybet: Gladys thanx for the info! Dima looks amazing on those fotos, so sweeeet :)) cant wait to see the video clip!
Gladys: Borce пишет: Btw who is the director??? Evgeniya Poltavskay became the director of clip !
miranda: thanks for the link! he looks amazing! :P
Borce: I read something more about the director of the video Evgeniya Poltavskay..and she is so proffesional..I'm really impress...I like to see that Dima's new video is in good hands because Dima deserve only the best!!!
Gladys: A little video from shooting of clip "Tune on to me"
MiriamEla: ANA IS IN ST. PETERSBURG RIGHT NOW!!!!!! I wonder if she posted that on the Russian part of the forum. @Gladys: That link is useless if we don't have a Vkontakte account. Can you upload it on YouTube?
ybet: Gladys пишет: A little video from shooting of clip "Tune on to me" Gladys it says that i have to be a member.. please give me the link of the group, to join and then to be a member
Gladys: ybet Evy find here вступить в группу and clik on it MiriamEla I can`t upload video on YouTube now.....
MiriamEla: Maybe just put the video file on sendspace then, so I can download it? (I don't want to join Vkontakte until I'm good enough at Russian...)
miranda: i can't find how to join the group, it says you have to be invited
ybet: I found it here's the link:
miranda: oh great! i wonder what he's doing?
Borce: That is damn COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love it!!!!!it's so intersting!!!!After this I want to know the story of the video more that ever!!!!!!!Thanks Ybet!!!!!!!I'm so thankful!!!!!I love the moves with his arm.... I think that he is making waves because in the lyrics of the song they are waves....
silhouetteofthenight: I really like it too, so can't wait to find out the story behind it and see the video! :)
miranda: we just have to wait a few more weeks
Borce: Yeah I really can't wait..but for now we will know the storyline...I hope that they will say it soon...Im so exaited about that..we only know that Dimka will be DJ .That is cool!!!
miranda: yeah, and that he looks great too i love the t-shirt with the rabbit on, and his pants is really nice
MiriamEla: This is just a guess, but maybe the lines he's drawing will actually appear once they add the special effects. You know, like light drawings or something... like this (random pic from Google)
Borce: Good point Ela !!!It can be that!!!!
silhouetteofthenight: Guys!¨Dima received our birthday book! :)) you can see a pic they sent to us on the website, in pics section here or on english forum. ;)
ybet: That's amazing!! Im full of hapinness!! Snezana thanks a lot
Borce: OMG he received!!!!!!!I'm damn happy now..My heart jumps of happiness....I expected Dimka to thank us but to take picture with the book was dream for me..Thanks Dima!!!!....But yeah Dima ones again and again shows that is the best and that loves his fans!!!!!!!!!Snezana the right words to thank you don't exist because you did amazing job....and I'm so thankful!!!!Thank you ones again!!!!
Borce: Can someone translate what the director of the clip said here: Евгения Полтавская о съемках клипа *Настройся для меня* - для СОО радио KOLDUN интернет, кажется, как СМИ считается... По поводу работы над клипом: могу сказать что с Димой было очень приятно работать). Съемки были легкие, летние и очень веселые. С самого утра нас преследовали киношные приколы - Дима очень хотел животное в клип, но по сценарию оно не было заявлено, и тем не менее как по волшебству в студии проявилось 2 кота. Они конечно, тут же пошли в обиход. Потом нам подтанцовывали прохожие в кадре и по небу летали спутники, а по городу проносился желтый Ламборджини. Мы не будем загадывать наперед что получится. Не стоит говорить о работе до ее окончания. Сейчас клип монтируется на одной из лучших студий Петербурга.
miranda: the only thing i understand is that they are shooting it in one of the best studios in S:t Petersburg
MiriamEla: silhouetteofthenight пишет: Guys!¨Dima received our birthday book! :)) you can see a pic they sent to us on the website, in pics section here or on english forum. ;) OMG!!! YAY!!! How did you hear about this? Did he PM you or something?
Gladys: Borce Translation Evgeniya Poltavskay about the shooting of the clip *Настройся for меня* - for radio KOLDUN About the work of the clip : I can say that it was very pleasant to work with Dima. The shooting was light, summer and very merry. Dima very wanted an animal in a clip, but it was not declared on a scenario, and nevertheless, as on magic, 2 cats show in a studio. They certainly, went into everyday life. Then passers-by were dansing when we were shooting and sputniki flew in sky, and yellow Lambordzhini swept over on a city. We will not think about future. It is not need to talk about work as its not finish. Now a clip make in one of the best studios of Petersburg. Snezana I am very happy that Dima received your birthday book!!! Friendly speaking i was worry about address i gave to you I thought ...suddenly its wrong And you sent birthday book many days ago But now i am glad that`s all right!!!
silhouetteofthenight: Ela, no, his manager sent a message to international website's email. Gladys thanks, I'm glad he got it too. I saw the address then later on the website too and his manager also gave me the same one, so there wasn't any doubt anymore that it wouldn't be right ;)
Borce: Dima won the award...... He is БОГ ЭФИРА He deserve that 100%....This is also our win....... Congratulations Dimka!!!!!!Well done!!!!
miranda: yey that's great!
Stella: that is so great!!!!congratulations dimka
MiriamEla: CONGRATULATIONS DIMA!!! We knew you could do it! =DDD
MiriamEla: (double post) I just watched the vids of the BE awards... Tell me if your heart doesn't melt when he hits the high note... DIMA DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU DO TO ME
Stella: i love this video, he sings tsarevna like an angel,he sings amazing!!!!
lennylen: Тhat's great! Dmitriy puts emotions into the songs. He makes them real hits. I'm glad that he was the one who received the award. Congratulations!
miranda: to you dima! i knew you would get it! you're really a great singer
Gladys: New voting Your opinion to the future clip of Dmitriy Koldun on a song Tune on to me? Your comments please about Evgeniya Poltavskay who is the director of clip You can write here Evgeniya Poltavskay is the young and talanted the director of clips from Saint Petersburg She is 22 years old She was shooting more than 10 clips In her works critics mark the European level, original ideas and characteristic author handwriting. In 2009 Evgeniya began active join work with the Moscow and foreign performers. If you like works of Evgeniya and you want to support her, so to join in official fan-club.
MiriamEla: Did Dima really say that his album is finished and waiting to be released??? please let this be truuuuuue.....
Gladys: MiriamEla Ela, YES!!! Dima said in interview that his album finished!!!
Guinness: Gladys, MiriamEla, Well, apparently the album is finished, and that's great in itself. However, the question remains: when is the album released????????????????????? And I don't have enough question marks to put after this question.........
Borce: Like I know Dima said that before the album comes out we will first see the video clip..So that means that the album will be released right after the video clip..
Guinness: Not necessarily.... IMHO, all that really means is that the video clip will be released before the album... No matter how much we all want to see the album released...
Gladys: Guys, I belive that the album will be released someday! For me its not important when..... The main -as album finished it will be released! Now i want to see the video clip very much!
Borce: Gladys I totaly agree with you!!! And I think the same like you...
miranda: i'm so happy that the album is finally done!
Stella: yes me too!!and now we have to wait for the video clip iam sure both of them(album and video clip)they will be great!!!!
MiriamEla: What do they still have to do on the video clip? SFX can't take THAT long.
lennylen: I believe that the album will be released in August. At least we saw the pictures from the clip and that's already inspiring for now.
Gladys: Dima`s interview on the radio Mayk. Maria and Kyril, D- Its Dmitry Koldun. Translation of the text wrote by DAN - Masha, you feel that you near «God»! - I sit near Sorcerer! - So with God or Sorcerer? Dmitriy won award «God of Ether». D – There was simply a lot of rotation,so they gave me a award – And you does feel like God itself? – I do not know, simply gave to me a officially diploma (it is God.) – Did give a star to you ,named of Dmitriy Koldun? – No, a star was not given, only piece of earth. – on Moon? D – on Jupiter ) – ah, on Jupiter?! And in life God, Jupiter does not help to you? D – in life not very much, because when you come in the dark apartment, luminescence is not present, however it is necessary to switch on the light. – And are there awards which you are proud of? – I will in the future be proud of, when will win award of Gremmi. - Do you joke? - No, it does not joke. Once I dreamed about the studio, now I have her. joke decided , that it is necessary to dream. Now i dream about Gremmi. - And why are you Dmitriy, why – not Dima? - Dima is some youth name. - Looking on you it is difficult to name «Dima» are you such healthy, like a man so press a hand! D – it is usually talked : «Not peculiar force in rows show-business.» In – did you make off the shooting of clip, and why exactly in Petersburg? And you won award here ? - So did not want to spend money, decided at once everything to do here at once . And generally in Peter there is an atmosphere other - White nights. Question from a listener: - As did you so quickly chose a scenario for a clip? - Simply chose a scenario which came to us first on a site, we used him at once. – on Peter save money, on scenario writers save You are fine fellows, that say here yet! D – I consider also, that all is correct! Bell from Svety – Do you read my letters? D – eeee, nuuuu, mmmm, I read letters periodically. For no particular, now i does not remember . – how many for you « Svets » - 18, and «Natashes» - 25? (prikolisty!) – and in general is it difficult to manage with such amount of fans? D – no, not difficultly. I have a box on a site, I read letters, there are very interesting. True my car is «painted» lipstick, it is necessary then to go by washing and explain to the people. – «Tune in to me», why such name at a song? Some double sense. - Did not simply know how to name, not there and not here. - How is it «neither there nor here»? Some erotic implication. – I the first time saw you on Eurovision,not on FZ . And you made very-very strong impression on me!! But I however thought «what next one generation of Eurovision, such sugary fellow, idol for girls». And now here communicate and see you is a normal fellow! And what for you is Eurovision? - For me its a step ahead, in creative life. - And is truth , that to you gave an apartment in Byelorussia? - Truth is told ! - fine fellows – belarusy, and in Moscow give nothing . - And does you want to participate yet? - I want, but i dream – that China participate. - Aaaaa, you want an apartment from ot China ! – here looking on you, I to you not gave pop- songs, but rock-songs. D – now I come forward so . And there is an album which will go out soon is my debut album, because two pirates let out already, – and this album will be «heavy». Question from a listener: – what does «sense of house consist in for you»? D – in possibility to go barefoot – because i can do it only in house. Question from Artema – I did offering to the girl, and in reply sounded the words of song sounded «ne stoy». How I must be? D – it seems to me that in reply it is necessary to sing her some good song! – and did you do anybody suggestion? - Only to the grandmother in a transport, offered to her to sit down into my place. - And does interfere to you the personal life plenty of fans? - No, does not prevent. Question from listener:- What miracle was in your life, or you created him? D – a miracle happened, when I rested in child's camp and argued with friends on the box of beer. In – in «child's camp» - and box of beer?? D – yes, I argued, that on a railway bridge which was above the small small river, I will be pulled up twenty times. I very wanted one girl saw it I understand now, that it could cost me life. Probably, it is is a miracle, that I remained living and won the box of beer. Question from a listener: what does prefer dish? D – which is not necessary to be prepared, very love myusli. D – yes, somehow i lazy to reach frying pans, to prepare something. – I speak to the the fans: did you notice that nobody for him does not reach these frying pans and grills nothing?, so he is free! – why you such «correct» – does not walk to the party, does not tell bad things? What you do when you have free time? - Like to do some shooting, on dishes. Although I did not get yet on any dish, but like to shoot! Question ot a listener: would like to be taken off in the cinema? D – if will invite, possibly, but not in a comedy, but in the film of horrors. but as a role of hero-lover, taking away a woman from a fire on hands! D – well, certainly,he took her away from a fire – where you will be to rest at summer ? - In Paris - We wish you good rest in Paris, hello to the roofs of Monmartra, good time in the company of nice persons. - Thank you.
Gladys: New voting on the radio Koldun Our Top Hit is open, make a choice! Dmitry Koldun («Factory of stars-6») and A`Studio - Fly away - 31/03/2006 Forgive for everything (Music: В.Дробыш, И.Латышко. Words: И.Латышко) - 01/08/2006 Work Your Magic ( Music: Ф.Киркоров. Words: К.Кавалерян) - 26/02/2007 Give me force (Music: Ф.Киркоров. Words: А.Морсин) - 06/03/2007 I am for you (Music: А.Лунев. Words: Lara D`elia) - 11/09/2007 Czarevna (Music: А.Лунев. Words: О.Томашевский) - 30/04/2008 On veins ( Music: И.Брылин. Words: И.Брылин / С.Саунин) - 22/07/2008 Unemployed love (Музыка:Б.Вартанян. Words: К. Arsenev) - 08/10/2008 Star (Music: А. Рыбниковs, word: К.. Arsenev) - 19/01/2009 Tune on to me (Music: Б.Вартанян, Д.Колдун. Words: И.Секачева) - 13/04/2009 The special opinion - in comments (no one song from this is dislike)
Gladys: The 8th of July "The day of family, love and fidelity" in Russia. The simbol of this day is a camomile
MiriamEla: Well... happy family, love, and fidelity day to everyone in Russia! =D
Borce: Oh such a great holiday.... Happy holiday to everyone in Russia!!!
Gladys: Guys,did you see the pictures where Dima was a child? He is so nice!!! Especially i like this.....
Borce: Yeah I have seen them and I love them... Gladys that is also my favourite picture He is damn sweet here.He is like a chocolate and you wish to eat his cheeks here...And his pose is soooo cute.... I hope that we can see more pictures from his childhood...I really hope....
Stella: i havent seen this photo before...he is so sweet here!!!! and you are right borce he is like a chocolate here!this the most sweetest photo from his childhood!i love it!!!
miranda: he was such a cute boy! and he still is!
MiriamEla: How could anyone not say "Awwwww!!!" while looking at that picture? ^^
Borce: How could anyone not say "Awwwww!!!" while looking at that picture? ^^ I said that milion times Ela ..He is really damn sweet child and you just must say awwww while you looking the pictures Just look at this one:
ybet: he still the same cute as now!
Gladys: Congratulation of fans on a birthday of Dmitriy Koldun 11 06 2009 (studio «Lizard», Moscow) You can Download this video For a record thank you о
Gladys: Dima said on radio that we can see the clip today or tomorrow!!!
Borce: I just heard that live on radio !!!And I'm sooooo happy ...... I hope that we can see the video clip today because I really can't wait to see it!!!!!!!!!!
Stella: WOW that is amazing!!!!!!!!thanx god we will see it!i cant wait to watch it!!!
MiriamEla: Thank you for the birthday present, Dima! <3 (okay, I know he had no idea it was my birthday, but I like to pretend XD) I CAN'T WAAAAAAAAAIT!!
miranda: i love his new hair! so cute! :D
nadia2: I also love his new hair, it's adorable!
ybet: Gladys пишет: Dima said on radio that we can see the clip today or tomorrow!!! i suriously cannot wait!!! thank you for the new..!
miranda: i love you dima! and i can't wait for the video! i know it will be great!
Guinness: Guys and gals, here is an English version of the Russian-language script of the interview kindly provided on the Russian-language page of the Forum - special thanks to Dan! Hosts:- How often does life offer you real puzzles and how do you handle them? Dmitry: - I face puzzles pretty often. I don’t like them, ‘cause sometimes I can’t work them out, especially those that they sell in shops… H - Do you prefer books with pictures? D - No, I prefer something more romantic. H - You are a record breaker, aren’t you ? You are registered in some mysterious Book of Records of Belarus? D - I’ve never seen that book, but I am in it for a short story I wrote, where all the words started with a “P”. H - Oh, don’t quote it now!.. COMMENT: A few most popular Russian obseniities start with a "P"... D - No, no, that was not a dirty story… H - We know you loved to read when a kid, and of course you do remember the whole of “Eugene Onegin” by heart. D - You bet! H - We will not be asking you to recite it now, we just want to test your humanity. Do you feel sorry for Lensky who was killed somewhere in the middle of it? D- I believe he would have been far better of if had been killed at the beginning. H - Would have suffered less, wouldn’t he, poor guy?.. However, we are discussing girls’ intellect and beauty. Do you think Tatiana made a right choice between Onegin and Lensky? In a nutshell, who are you for? D - I am all for Onegin! H - But he was a scum, first he rejected the girl. D - Everything suits a scum. H - Do you also feel sorry for skums? D - Yes, scums also cry with tears. H - Is your family name of any help in life? Do you scarify your opponents? D - Not all the magicians are evil. I am a beneficent magician! It’s just my luck that I was born in the 20th century, and not in the 15th. There are very few people with the family name Koldun, our family is the only one in Belarus, the others must have been killed by Holy Inquisition. H - You don’t look like someone killed by the Inquisition! You are quite buoyant! What do you think is more important, intellect or beauty? D - When you meet a girl you first pay attention at her looks, and only then at everything else. You judge a girl by the way she is dressed, then you undress her… H - And there is the intellect right there… D - Then you look for intellect! H - Do you often get disappointed in your career of an “expert on female intellect and beauty”? D - Pretty often. You meet many girls who want to get acquainted with you, but later on when you get closer, well… something gets wrong… H - Girls, let me warn you that Dmitry starts with undressing you and looking for intellect! Please be careful with him! … We know you are an experienced driver. And all drivers can be split into two psycho types, “elephants” and “monkeys”, and what are you? D - I am a bull of a driver, as in all the car accidents I have had, I was trying to charge! H - Girls, do you hear that? Dmitry is a bull by psycho type. He first undress girls and then starts bulling them… Rumours are spread that you have become a businessman, you have your own recoding studio, is that correct? D - It’s not that I have become a businessman, just Alexander Astashonok and I opened a sound studio. Quite recently we completed recording my album. Frome time to time some people come round to make their recordings, bring us some cents. That’s not too bad at all during the crisis! H - Also this is a great excuse! Usually husbands say to their wives “Iam tied up in a meeting”, and you… D - I am tied up in the studio! H - I need to take note of that! Now a traditional and banal question thyat is always asked to a singer: in your private life, say, when you are at the dinner table, does it ever happen that you cannot help howling? D - It’s not because I can’t help it, I just forget that I am at a table and I suddenly feel like singing… … Regarding the video clip: editing is over and today or tomorrow you will see it on all the TV channels. COMMENT: The Russian phrase "today or tomorrow" does not necessarily mean that literally. It can mean anything between now and next century... Let's hope it's closer to "now"!
miranda: undress her???? dima, you have to watch what you're saying!
silhouetteofthenight: Guinness thanks a lot for translated interview that's really great news we'll see the video clip so soon, can't wait! :)
Gladys: I very very hope that in this Monday we will see the clip exactly or may be some information about it!
miranda: i just adore it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great work dimka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gladys: Voting on Radio_KOLDUN Your impressions after viewing of video clip of the song «Tune on me.» - Clip-super! He justified all my expectations! Looked already and i want to look it more and more! -it is wonderful clip on a wonderful song. All very organically. Summer, nightly Peter, nice girl.I was enjoying viewing. - Strange feelings. I can not say what did not please, but also did not feel the special delight. - Clip did not please absolutely. Terrible colour strange appearances, incomprehensible subject. I do want to look it second time - Turned off, seeing the first shots. My God What IT IS? -your another opinion ( in a comment). and here on site
Borce: WOWWW ....You don't know how much I love the video!!!!!!!!It's the best video ever and it's so creative and orginal ...Dimka there is sooooo soooo soooo lovely....I love the efects and his eyes and I love when he is singing live...That is soooo orginal and cool!!! I don't know about you but when I watch the video I have fealing that I'm in the video and see all the things live because is so real.Dima is full with energy there and I love when he is doing that with the mic in 02:03 I love his laughing and how he is dancing there in the radio station!!!! Bravo Dimka!!!!
ybet: I like the clip very much, Dima is so funny in some moments! :)))) Honestly, the only thing that I didnt like was the photoshop on Dima`s eyes and on the pink shirt, i think it was too much, just my opinion But after all I love it My fav clip with wym (but i think i love wym more )
Stella: I agree with you ybet the video clip was amazing!dima looks awesome in the clip but i agree...i dont like the photoshoot in dima's eyes it is too much but his t-shirt was nice it suits on him it makes him very sweet!i love this video clip is the best for me!! But i also like ya dlya tebya...those two clips are the best for me
nadia2: I love this video, it's so nice and I love all the effects
lennylen: The clip was fine. I liked the special effects the most, and that makes it brighter. I just wanted to see more action from Dmitriy. In general dancing in the studio was fun...and of course it was with Dmitriy!!!
Gladys: Blog of Dmitriy Koldun on MAIL.RU "Interesting thing! Recently I was guest of Dmitriy Chetvergov and noticed this . Always amused this effect and I got on a few days to play ))). I think to take it on the nearest concert, as one of guitarists will not be, think, my help as a guitarist will not prevent. And I decided devote video to John Bon Jovi."
Borce: I damn LOVEEEEE the video that Dimka posted on the blog for many reasons: 1.When I saw for the first time the video and when I saw Dimka I said WOWWWW because he really looks amazing!!!! 2.I love his clothes and haircut!!!! 3.I love ESPECIALY his new trainers so so so much!!!!!!! 4.I love the intersting instrument on which he played... 5.Dimka was damn cool when he was singing!!!!I love the efects that he was making with that intersting thing!!!! 6.The song that he was singing,his voice,interpretation are AMAZING!!!! 7.Many many other reasons... Dimka SPASIBO for the video!!!I really enjoyed!!!!!!!! Gladys SPASIBO for the info and the translation!!!!!
MiriamEla: Wtf it looks like he's eating the microphone...
lennylen: Eating a microphone... well, yeah! You need to do that in order to get this type of sound; otherwise you'll get whispers (I heard). Anyways, the performance was cool. I wonder, what Bon Jovi would say if they could watch this video. If there will be an opportunity to see these Jersey boys soon, then I wouldn't mind to show it to them.
Gladys: Today is the Birthday of radio_KOLDUN!!!
Gladys: From the unsound part of the cultural program BITHDAY-2009 Dmitriy Koldun (DK).
Gladys: "Photos from the albom of radio_Koldun" The о rock-opery "Star and death of Hoakina Mur'ety"
Gladys: The clip "Tune on to me" in HD-quality on Do You want to get the summer mood ? So look a clip of Dmitriy Koldun on ! Thanks for info to radio_koldun
Gladys: The 3rd of August Dmitry Koldun will be in Lipetsk Region with solo-concert News from officcial site.
Gladys: The 3rd of Septembers 2009 in the Moscow club B2 will be PPRESENTATION OF THE FIRST SOLO- ALBUM OF DMITRIY KOLDUN It`s the first independent musical work of Dmitriy. Preparation of presentation album was during about year. Musical material was written in the absolutely «living» sound with participation of Dmitriy`s musicians. Tickets on a this presentation will appear in the nearest time in cash desks of club and Internet cash desks. Watch news. News from officcial site and the radio Koldun
Borce: YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Today is ONE MONTH till Dima's album!!!!!!!!!! I also saw the site of the club B2 and I really like the club where will be the promotion !!!!!!!Now I'm sooooooo but sooooo curious about the name of the album!!!!!! This news really made my day and I'm damn happyyy now!!!!!!! Спасибо огромное Димка!!!!! ...Now and his international fans know about the news because I opened a special topic about this lovely news on his english forum!!!!!
Stella: wow iam so happy...great news!!!!!thanx god the album will be ready in one month.i cant wait!!!and iam also very curious for the album's name!iam sure it will be something good
silhouetteofthenight: yay! that's really great news! Finally we know the date! Can't wait! :))
ybet: ahhhhh finally! :D :D that's so great, im so happy about that :) :)
nadia2: 3rd of September, that's not too far away. I can't wait!!
lennylen: That's great! The first album is just the beginning...that's an important moment for everyone who believes in talent of Dmitriy .
Borce: I'm HUGE fan of Britney Spears too so I made this fan video with the both!!!I hope that you will like it!!! Britney Spears feat Dmitry Koldun-"That's hot"
Gladys: Dima`s interview Dmitriy Koldun: A camp of the «Young Guard » is the best method to ventilate brains The Byelorussian singer Dmitriy Koldun told to us the plans on the future and remembered the years when he was a student. Graduating the sixth «Factory of Stars» at first, was singing on a rehearsal, long asked the colleagues to «do a barrel», and then, ”armed” with dark glasses and bag, with fascination began to look flights of lipetsk «Swifts». It, however, did not prevent him to answer question of our correspondent, in spite of the fact that colleagues from «Roots» periodically called Dima to «glance another thing» (apparently, there were next maneuvers of lipetsk pilots). - Dmitriy, can you say the first impressions of a camp?. - All this wonderful atmosphere reminded my years when I was the student of chemical faculty, also took part in such performance. . It is necessary to say, wonderful reception was organized for us, all is great!. - Your opinion,what can mean such collections for young people? - It, sure, the best method to ventilate the brains, to have the new impressions from meetings with coevals. This age, which boys, arriving in the Lipetsk , are in, it is time of initiatives,notton new openings. Such meetings become fashionable, and its like to me'. What plans do you have on the nearest future? - After a concert I will go to Moscow, to continue my work of the album, presentation of which will take place on Septembers, 3-rd, in the capital. It will be my first licensed album – two previous were making by pirates, so you can congratulate me with debut. The request of our correspondent to say some of new songs very hampered of Koldun. An artist was strained, even distracted of viewing of figures of aerial acrobatics, and after some mental operations, recalled a few compositions with the characteristic names. - Today on a concert I will sing a few songs from this album, it will be «I love you», «Angel of dream» and another - That can you wish girls and boys, to arriving in a camp from all ends of country? To be glad from our life, to take from it only the best, always with optimism to look in the future and simply will spend this week good, and it will leave the unforgettable impressions!
miranda: "i love you", which song is that?
ybet: miranda пишет: "i love you", which song is that? maybe a new one??
Borce: I think that is new because I never heard that title before..."Я люблю тебя" Hmm for sure new song!!!!
Gladys: I think "Я люблю тебя" or " I love you", It is new song
Stella: wow another new song...amazing!!!iam sure that it is great!
Gladys: Рlaylist radio KOLDUN. 05.08.2009 radio_KOLDUN New song - MAY BE text/music: Dmitriy Koldun - Alesya (music: Олег Иванов, слова Анатолий Поперечный) - Angel mechty (music: Дмитрий Колдун, text: Денис Лис) - Bezrabotnaya lubov (music: Баграт Вартанян, text: Константин Арсенев.) - Devushka mechty - Cha-cha-cha - (Формула счастья) . - Get up get down (Йорген Элофссон, Маки Колемайнен, Трэйси Липп) - Don’t fade awаy ( music: Баграт Вартанян, Дмитрий Колдун; text: Дмитрий Басик) - Instrument - I surrender (music: Илья Брылин, text: Илья Брылин/Сергей Саунин) - Kazhdiy den na zemle (music: Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев) - Klyatva_Xoakina - Клятва Хоакина (music: Алексей Рыбников, text: Павел Грушко) - May Be (text/music: Дмитрий Колдун) - NEW, с 05.08.09 - MayBe (text/music: Дмитрий Колдун) - Mest_Xoakina (music: Алексей Рыбников, text: Павел Грушко) - Nastroisya_na_menya (music: Дмитрий Колдун/ Баграт Вартанян, text: Ирина Секачева ) - Ne ray (music: Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев ) - Ne ray instrument - Neseryozno (music: Виктор Дробыш, text: А. А'Ким) - Pesnya_Xoakina (music: Алексей Рыбников, text: Павел Грушко) - Plach'_i_poy (music: Баграт Вартанян, Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев) - Plohaya novost (music:Дмитрий Колдун, слова: Константин Арсенев) - Poezd na yug (music:Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев) - Po venam (music: Илья Брылин, text: Илья Брылин/Сергей Саунин) - Po venam instrument - Prosti za vse (music: Игорь Латышко/Виктор Дробыш, text: Игорь Латышко) - Reality of dreams (music: Баграт Вартанян, text: Дмитрий Басик) - Tebya luchshe net (music: Олег Елисеенков) - Ty uletish (music: Руслан Квинта, text: Виталий Куровский) - Vals Boston (music/text: Александр Розенбаум) - Vechniy ogon (music:Рафаил Хозак, text: Евгений Агранович) - Vse chto ty hochesh (music: Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев) - Work Your Magic (Deep Zone Project Short Dance Remix) - Ya budu zhdat - Ya ne umru bez lubvi (text/music: Андрей Микрюков) - Ya pridumal (music: Илья Брылин, text: Илья Брылин) - Yarostniy_stroyotryad (music: Александра Пахмутова, text: Николай Добронравов) - Zvezda_mix (music: Алексей Рыбников, text:Константин Арсенев, аранж:Дмитрий Четвергов)
Borce: I soooo love the new song !!!!!!!!!!!!Dimka did AMAZING job because the music and the lyrics are just perfectttt!!!!!!!I can't stop listening the song!!!!
Gladys: Yes!!! Its wonderful song I like it very much! But why it named "May be"??? Dima has one song "May be" Its the second
Stella: the song is amazing!!!!yes i agree there are 2 songs with the name "maybe".anyway those 2 "maybe" are just perfect and the greatest is the new song!
Borce: The song has a new title"Fly Away "I love it!!! Dima СПАСИБО for the lyrics!!!!! Btw Gladys Dima wrote that he wrote the song 5 years ago..???I hope that I understood right...
Gladys: Borce Dima wrote the song before Eurovision 3 years ago It was named Myabe But Dima changed a lot in this song There are only a few notes at the beginning from old song Myabe So "Fly Away "its like another new song
Gladys: Dima wrote:"This song is more than five years, and its about soldier, lost on a battle-field..."
Gladys: Dmitriy Koldun presents «Koldun» Presentation of debut album of Dmitry Kolduna, get the name «Koldun», will take place in a club «Б-2» the 3rd on September. Preparation of this disk proceeded about year. Musical material, according to creators, is written down in the «living» sound – all musical parties were played by the of collective of Dmitriy Koldun without the use of synthetic sounds. «Material which we have now, literally «broke» through all, -said the director of artist Dmitriy Lysenko to a correspondent InterMedia – Songs sound even better, than we expected». All known radiohits will enter in a disk - from his famous «Give me force» to the new hit «Tune on to me»,which entered to rotation in the middle of summer. Company which will take the release of «Koldun», while is not not divulge.
miranda: so the lyrics he posted, is it in other version of the song maybe? or i am getting it all mixed up?
Gladys: miranda The song Fly away Dima wrote before the song Maybe....... as i understand....
miranda: oh, now i understand, thanks! and i really like the new song! i just heard it on koldun radio!
Gladys: Voting for the radio Koldun
Gladys: Voting for the vote for clip "TUNE ON TO ME" on the first channel!!!
MiriamEla: *voted* Hey, if anyone hasn't seen the topic on the KUEF, please send me a clip of yourself saying "Congratulations, Dima!" (or you can say it in Russian if you want) for me to put into my new fanvid!
miranda: how do you vote?
ybet: miranda пишет: how do you vote? select dima's button and click on the button in the end, it says 'Progolosobatv' or something like that
Gladys: here- choose radio Koldun and push on 10 stars here- choose Дмитрий Колдун / Настройся на меня and push on Проголосовать!
Gladys: The anchormen of competition «Miss of Interkontinental'-2009» will become brothers Kolduns The TV channel ONT was finally determined with the anchormen of international competition of beauty of «Miss Interkontinental'-2009» . As said to the «Byelorussian news» press secretary of the TV channel Alina Provotorova, it will be George Koldun and Dmitriy Koldun. Before producer of project Angelina Mikul'skaya talked about , that there are two very interesting candidatures very beautiful young Byelorussians, well known not only in Byelorussia but also outside a country. «They accepted a proposal. I can`t say they names: I am afraid something will be wrong, — said Angelina Mikul'skaya — Can say only , that it will be very interesting tandem». The partner of Kolduns will become Byelorussian beautiful woman Ekaterina Doman'kova, which in 2006 won on an international competition «The world Supermodel». All three anchormen will be present on the stage together.
Borce: WOWWW!!!!!I really can't wait for this !!!!!Thanks for the info Gladys !!!That is totaly true!!!The both are so beautiful and known everywhere especialy Dimka!!!!!!I think that on these type of huge beauty competitions the hosts must be beautiful and young like Dima and Georgiy !!After the album"KOLDUN" this will be great promotion for Dima because the show will be shown in 60 countries(because I read that this is the number of the countries that will take part of the contest) and +I really hope that Dima will perform few songs from the album!!!!!!!
Gladys: Borce Yes,Borislav! Its really great that Dima and George will be in this show-“MISS INTERCONTINENTAL 2009” !
Gladys: “MISS INTERCONTINENTAL 2009” will be chosen in Minsk. The most beautiful girls from all over the world will come to Belarus in September. The World Beauty Organization and 2-nd National Tv Channel will introduce a grand show – the MISS INTERCONTINENTAL 2009Final, which will take place in Minsk (Belarus)on the 27th September. The MISS INTERCONTINENTAL contest, which started off in 1971, is in the top five of the most prestigious beauty competitions in the world. The challenge prize – a crown made of platinum with 720 diamonds, worth about $361 thousand, is thought to be the most expensive crown of all beauty pageants. Last year this international contest was held in Poland. 57 candidates from all over the world took part in it. The Belarusian Liubou Yakovina became the second Vice Miss Intercontinental-2008 and received the title 'Miss Intercontinental Europe'. WBO European Director, Mr Detlef Tursies has said: “We will bring to Belarus the most beautiful girls from all over the world. We've held the contest mostly in the southern part of the planet. Yet nothing prevents us from attempting to do it in the eastern part. Plus there is a lot to see in Minsk. The participants will definitely like Minsk – the architecture, the style, the people. Besides, I've seen how the National TV Channel (ONT) organized the show 'Miss Belarus 2008'. It was unforgettable. That is why it's no doubt with our experience and potential of the ONT Channel we'll make a fantastic show.” 2-nd National Tv Channel (ONT) has a great experience in creating striking and impressive television projects, entertaining programs, sport broadcasts and licensed shows. MISS ITERCONTINENTAL 2009 contest will take place in a hall for 4000 spectators with a big stage and the most modern stage, light and sound equipment. The presentation and broadcasting of the Final will be accomplished in Russian and English. The art director from Moscow Natalia Petukhova guarantees a magnificent show. The representatives of TV companies will be given commentary cabins for live broadcasting. A special present for the spectators and contestants will be appearance of popular singers – representatives of six continents. Information: The geographical position of Belarus is unique. The country is situated at the junction of Europe and Asia. Anyone who has once been here observed the beauty and charm of Belarus. The one third of Belarus is covered with forests. The country is often called 'blue eyed' thanks to thousand rivers and lakes. Belarus is a country with modern infrastructure and rich traditions. In the capital of Belarus, the city of Minsk, hotels, cafés, shops, restaurants, sports and entertaining centers will satisfy any taste and requirements level.
miranda: great news gladys!! i really can't wait for it! it sounds interesting!
Stella: yes really good news!!!i cant wait for is a big chance to see dima again on tv
Gladys: Voting for the clip "TUNE ON TO ME" on the channel!!!
Gladys: NEWS Dmitriy Koldun will not be present on the show “MISS INTERCONTINENTAL 2009”. And reason-Dmitry is simple singer. of.sait
miranda: where does the stand? i can't find on the website! or is in the russian secton of the forum?
Gladys: Here is in the russian secton of the forum discussion about absence of Dmitriy Koldun on the show “MISS INTERCONTINENTAL 2009” (the post of Antis )
Borce: I want Dima to be there... but I supose that he had really powerful reasons and because of that he will not be there...But I still hope that we can see him there like performer...Btw Gladys between the discussions is there any chance we to see him like performer or no one knows that??
Gladys: Borce Borislav,Dima was not accept invitation to be performer this show.... as i understand So we have not a chance to see him like performer
Borce: Oh so If he doesn't want to apear there even like performer that means that he has more important plans in that time than to be in the show so I supose that those plans are maybe conected with the promotion of the album or some concert...
Gladys: Dima`s message "Friends! I despise a mat (strongly swear)! It very badly! But when people want to make from you another man, who is not you It is simply as a volcano - go out! It is a natural element! When people want to open in you to, whatever you want not to open, and they however with tin- opener and threats, please, here is it ! Without a mat our speech as a lecture)"
Borce: Thank you very much for the translation Gladys Btw what is mat??And I don't understand what Dima wanted to say with his new message..For what was the discussion before his post here???
Gladys: Borce "Mat" -its when people are strongly swear and say a bad words An unnormative vocabulary (unprintable expressions, unprintable bad language) including the most rough abusive expressions
Borce: Thanks ones again That is so great to hear(that he hates those words). He is such a good boy and great role model!!!!
Gladys: Рlaylist radio KOLDUN. 16.08.2009 There is a new track on the radio_KOLDUN Dont fade away no vocal text "Dont fade away" text "Plach'_i_poy "
lennylen: This is a cool melody. It's great to hear that type of songs, especially when they're sad & minor.
Gladys: Dmitriy Koldun in the TV program "The Middle class" on the channel NTV. The TV program "Middle class" was about a conctructive detachments. Dmitriy sang song "Yarostniy_stroyotryad" (this song about a conctructive detachments )under a guitar in studio Lizard. Yet he said a few words about the benefit of a conctructive detachments. I can say only that a blue shirt with a tie - very goes to his eyes!
Borce: I love his outfit,hair,trainers.......EVERYTHING!!!!!! And I agree the shirt colour suits him perfectly with his eyes!!!!
Guinness: Friends, If some of you intend to be in Moscow on the first week of September or want to come specifically for the Presentation of Dmitry Koldun's first album, the following translation of yesterday's message by Antis is for you: Dmitry Koldun invites Forum members to attend the presentation of his first album. Those who want to get a free invitation please send your Nick Name + First Name, Last Name to Having sent us your application you will receive a return e-mail with confirmation that your application is accepted. Please note that in accordance with the B2 Club regulations, the attendees should be no younger than 18 years of age. The deadline for submission is September 1st. We kindly request that only those who are DEFINITE that they will attend should apply. Many thanks to Koldun and his Management Team for this great opportunity to attend his presentation. I take the liberty to say on behalf of all of us that we have been waiting for this event for VERY LONG and certainly want to attend – to rejoice at the Artist’s achievement and also to enjoy his singing )))
Gladys: Dmitriy Koldun: "I am incorrigible romantic" He is a winner of «Factory of stars 6», shoumen, proprietor of own musical studio and possessor of dreamy dark blue eyes. Today in guests of «Marusy» Dmitriy Koldun answered honestly on all trickiest questions -We will begin from a distance. Tell, please, you had wanted to be a doctor or chemist and even in a role of writer, and became a musician? - A sequence of my preferences in professions was such: writer, doctor, chemist. And music always was only a hobby. I did not think about artistic activity as basic, did not think that i can devote to it all my life. In the 6th of class of the school, on one of competitions KVN it was be needed to write something eccentric I invented a story «Dog Polkan is a friend of Peter» in which every word began on the letter of «P». And some time indeed thought became writer (smiles). To completion of school priorities were replaced, and I very wanted to become a doctor. But one case the witness of which I became changed my plans, that to be a doctor is enormous responsibility for lives of other people. Am I ready to undertake her? It was difficultly to answer on this question, and I decided that was another science which always carried me, it was chemistry. Decided – and went to stady in BGU. But a fate bossed differently, now all my life is devoted music which once was simply a hobby. -And what did you begin with? Did you write anything yourself ? -In the school years we with friends had the group which was named «The Heavy wheeled plough». We were writing all songs. And we had one unchanging rule: it is possible to sing about everything, but not about love (smiles). Sang about tomatoes, about watering hoses. We took part in the competitions of patriotic song and got the prizes. and song about love wrote in 16 years, when i felt first sense. - As I know, a solo album not output until now? -Producers which I worked with were before engaged in all creative questions. An album was planned to the output at the beginning of the last year, then the date of release was carried once or twice. Now I work without producers, independently engaged in the creation and i very glad. I decide that to sing and when to produce disks. I plan to let out the first solo disk quite soon. There I will appear newly, for many cut out from an unexpected side. I do not want now to tell about all riddles, an album will go out – and you will hear everything (smiles enigmatically). -That for you main source of inspiration? - Life, with all its secrets, charms, failings. When i very depressed, i write sad songs . When all is good and on the soul gladly, can write something joking. I compose mainly,while i trust texts to other people. -Tell, please, about participating in rock-opere «Star and death of Hoakina Mur'ety». -All was begun , that it was offered to me to write down vocal parties of protagonist for the audioversion. I did not want to play in this , but Alexsey L'vovich convinced Rybnikov (author of music and ideological inspirer of the revived version of opera) convinced me to go on an actor experiment. In a rehearsal process for me began somewhere month before the premiere of show. The most difficult for me it was necessary to be reincarnated, live of the life other man when all see it. I will say one: an actor is a difficult profession, but interesting. -In memory of many people your appearance with Scorpions on the stage of «Factory of stars 6». Are there yet some performers with which you would like to sing? -This appearance in my memory too , but our collaboration with this group did not make off . By the autumn of the last year in Minsk i was glad to open the concert of «Skorpov». There with the musicians I presented the new concert program. And with whom yet I want to Are there yet some performers with which you would like to sing? While its difficulty to say, but time will come and necessarily i will sing with anybody yet. -What music do you listen? -Most different. Beginning ot the commercial dancing (David Guetta, Armin van Buuren) and a heavy metal (Slipknot, Stone Sour). In high regard I behave to creation of group of Nickelback. -How do you behave to the admirers, adoring you? I know,you have a lot. Do you weary from attention?- - I belong with understanding and gratitude. Exactly by their forces was created internet-radio Koldun at one time. On the court of his listeners I take away the new works periodically, and then with large interest read their opinions. And yet there is a remarkable forum on my official site, he is also created forces of my fans. Operative and exact information flows down there: announcements, photo, video, publications. And certainly, heartfelt intercourse is there present. So to the admirers I belong with a large warmth! -And what girls do you like ? - Clever and beautiful, although combination both in one girl meets rarely. I value, when a girl sees and values some human qualities, instead of external shell above all things. And I like yet, when girl it is needed to try to get. -And is there a chance for some admirer to cause interest from your side? - - Certainly! I always talk that is possible all and it is never impossible to guess, as life will turn (smiles)! - Would you in a few words describe itself? - I can name itself merry and cheerful, all talk though, that my sad eyes. Actually I am incorrigible romanticism!!! I trust that all necessarily will be good! - Tell a few things which you can not live without - I can not not live without a guitar- music one of main fascinations of my life. Without a computer – where without intercourse. Without coffee – the cup of this drink from a morning make wonder. Without a car – nowhere i will have time differently. Well and without you, girls!!! - You possess a pretty bright exterior. Did you have offere to be taken off in the cinema, for example? How did you behave to the similar idea?- - Suggestions on surveys in the cinema while i did not have, probably, it expects me ahead. I would play some scoundrel, difficult and contradictory nature with gladness. I would open his good sides, in fact and for villains have good sides. There are not «finally» bad people. - Will you be divided plans on the future? - I try to build no plans. All, that usually takes place in my life, turns out in itself. I simply dedicate itself work, go to the set purpose, and all turns out in itself. Mainly, to understand, what want, able to determine tasks and work in this direction. And then life helps in realization of planned.
Borce: Thanks for the interview Gladys !!!!I love this part: He is a winner of «Factory of stars 6», shoumen, proprietor of own musical studio and possessor of dreamy dark blue eyes. Totaly true and such a beautiful start for interview!
Gladys: "Table of the orders" on RU TV 25-rd of August, 2009 on Ru.TV from 17:00 to 18:00 hours (msk. time) in the program «Table of orders» Dmitriy Koldun together with the Vj of TV channel Yuley Lysenko will fulfil musical wishes of the audience.
Gladys: A dialogs of Dmitriy Koldun and Julia Lysenko on RU of TV Thanks to Дан for the text version of TV program Julia – Dima, tell as you wrote down an album? Dima – We wrote down his whole year in the studio together with Alexander Astashenok. An album has hard sounding. Julia - More rock? How on a tree? Dima - Practically, yes. As on a tree by the burnt rubber. Julia - Many will not understand such musical slang now. Dima - And that to do? It is necessary to teach or punish, or to encourage. Julia - And you was punished in childhood? Dima - I was punished by a neighbour,I collected his gooseberry under a window. He threw down bubbles with soapy water or with a valerian. Terrible cats attacked on me, began to scratch. He had here such acute method of punishment. Julia - Do you know, there is such sign, that if you put on jacket hinder part before. Dima - Woman`s jacket? Julia - Do you like woman`s jackets? Dima – No, but I like, when women put on woman's jacket hinder part before, and then they change clothes. Julia - By the way, about girls. Is your heart free or not? Dima -In my heart blood clots are not present in my heart , and in general there is someone there. Julia- And more deitail? Such likable, talented person, million of girls around . Dima - Generally one hundred fifty millions look now Rutv,и one girl from them lives in my heart. Julia- Will you sing a duet with Alexander Rybak? (question from SMS) Dima - It can be and we will sing some time, when our duet will be named «The magic fishing». Julia- What kind of rest do you like is active or to lie on beach, on sun ? Dima- Sure, active, for example rafting, when by a head downward swim down stream. Dima- Yet I very like run. Julia- Do you run at morning? Dima- No, I run each evening, run on stairs with a bin of garbage. Julia- From whom do you run? Dima- Mainly from people which want to find job. Julia- Did they decide that you, how is sorcerer, can help them? Dima- People think that I have a magic stick, but they do not know that my stick.. Julia- About your magic stick we will not talk... - Dima, did you sing with Natasha Rudova in «Two stars» did you like she ? Why you not marrie on her ?( SMS) Dima- If I was married on all, who i liked, I was condemned by society. Julia- Do you have a hobby? Dima- I very like to shoot. I repent, in childhood I shot on birds, now I shoot on monsters in a rifle-range. Julia- And did you hunt? Dima-No,I did not hunt, because i feel, that someone will be hunt on me. Julia- Do you want to enter into some association, for example, «defence of animals»? Dima- I very like brown bears, I would like to help them , special if they live in town, to help to pass across the road. Julia- When you was in a zoo last time ? Dima- Quite recently I was in Luxemburg and visited a zoo there. There was a very large bear which, probably, did not feed very long, because he looked at me with love, when I was looking in a cage. Julia- Brown bear? Dima-No, white,so I did not like him at first glance. Julia- And did you fall in love at first glance? Dima- Yes, I had love at first glance, true this was a not girl, this was a sausage. Then I was very hungry and fell in love with her and swallowed her at once! This was my first love. Julia- I think that when you saw the sausage, you yelled : «I will not give her to anybody!» Julia- Say, and you are a hospitable man? Dima- Yes, I like to invite guests, but they came rarely to me, because they are afraid – i have an altar for sacrifice at home, true It is decorative and never used, but people are afraid. Julia- Are many people ask you Koldun (Sorcerer ) is a pseudonym or not? Dima- Many, especially staroobryadtsy, apparently want to burn me. Julia- Do you communicate on a forum with the admirers? Dima- I write rarely, but I read everything, watch after everything ! Julia- That do you want to wish our audience? Dima- I want to wish, that you were always healthy, happy, beloved and hug more !
lennylen: "Hug more!" That will always sound cool and attractive. Even though Dmitriy writes here rarely I still appreciate that.
Stella: Well i really liked the poster for the presentation of the album!!Dima looks so nice
Gladys: Dmitriy Koldun about a new album and Eurovision Dmitriy Koldun,before the realese of the first album, answered a few questions for What do you wait from a new album? Realese of this disk large and serious step in my creation. I took enormous enjoyment of the process of recording this album. how i was searching musical material, rehearsals, finding of necessary sound, record, in general process of birth on disk . It is impossible to say that I wait something concrete, i will be glad to hear, both, positive reviews and critic Would you like again take part in the Eurovision and repeat the exploit of Dmitriy Bilan? Possibly, some time I will enter in this river again, but not in the nearest future. I will wait, when a competition will be extended by the list of countries of participants. Now many star pair declare of the plans to marriage, you do you not plan to join with their number? I consider that wedding it is a very responsible step in life. I do not want to repeat experience of matrimonial pair which go away barely married. For me there is family - it once for all life and I befit very seriosly to it. Now in my life there is a wonderful girl We have long relations. Possibly, we will decide on this step, time will show.
Gladys: In some internet-shops appeared information about an album "Koldun" International parcel post is carried out by mail all over the world. Term of delivery on the World from 10 to 60 days.
Borce: Gladys thank you so much for the links I'm sooooooo happy with the track list All my favourite Dima's songs are there and + I think that Surrender will be in rock version and + one new song "Я люблю тебя " with dance style like Настройся на меня!! OMG and studio versions for "Все что ты хочешь" and "Somebody's loving you"!!! !!! I also LOVE the cover....That is new picture from the photoshoot in 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT for the album!!!!!!!!!!
miranda: omg omg omg omg!!! i love it, i aboslutely adore it!!!
MiriamEla: ...I wanted Не с той, Мне не всё равно, and Ангел под дождём... Ah well, at least we get Somebody Loving You.
nadia2: I love the cover, it's a great picture and the tracklist looks good, so I can't wait to hear it, especially the new song "Я люблю тебя "
miranda: i wonder how that song sounds. i bet it's really good!
lennylen: I'm glad that my favorite songs are included in the album, &, of course, the new song sounds attractive, too.
MiriamEla: Today is the big day! I sent this to Dima:
Borce: OMG the BIG day cameeeeeeee ...........I'm soooooooo happy today ....This is for sure the best day in my life .....I want to congratulate Dima for his debut album and to wish him to have more and more albums also inspiration for writing music and singing because he is our star and he makes our lifes more and more beautiful !!!!!!!He ROCKS and is amazing guy so he deserves everything the best....I'm sure that his album will be totaly success because the quality and talent always wins......I wished to be in Moscow for his promotion but I'm with him from Macedonia and I wish him and to all fans that will go THE BEST NIGHT EVER .....Dimka this is YOUR NIGHT and I'm sure that you will shine like you always shine because you are THE BEST and I will always suport you and love you my brother ....Ela I LOVE the video.....I'm sure that Dima will love it....DIMA CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!xoxo
miranda: i wish you only the best dimka! congratzz!
ybet: MiriamEla great work!! i cant wait to see finally the album !!
silhouetteofthenight: Ela, really well done! I also can't wait to finally hear the album!
Borce: Snezana Here you can hear a little part of the songs!!!!,
Borce: I love that Dimka changed ALL the songs ....Day mne silu and Surrender are in rock version also "Plohaya Novost" is changed a lot ...He recorded all the songs ones again because and his voice is different so all the songs are NEW!!!!!I LOVEEEEEE ALLL THE SONGS !!!!I can't wait to hear all of them in full version !!!!!I also LOVEEEEE the new song but I want so badly to hear the full version !!!!!!!!!!!!!Dimka you really ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just adore the album !!!!!!!!He worked really hard and gave us totaly new versions of all his songs and + one new song ..His band also made great job because the music is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!Bravo Dima! !!!!!!!!!!You are THE BEST!!!!!!! The album is total success!!!!! I can't wait for videos and pictures from the promotion!!!!I'm sure that was THE BEST promotion ever and that everyone enjoyed!!!!!
miranda: i love all the songs! great work!! but sb's loving you is the best!!
Borce: Dimka looks sooooooooo.... BEAUTIFUL on the promotion!!!!!! I'm in love with his clothes and hair ....So elegent,so lovely so perfect !!!!!!!He looks just A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!! I can't wait for more pictures and videosssss!!!!
Stella: I love all the songs too!all the versions of the songs are great!and i agree dima was so nice in the promotion of the album!!!!!!
nadia2: I love Dima's clothes in the promotion, and all the versions of the songs are amazing! And Ela, the video is so great, well done!
MiriamEla: I made a collective preview of the album:
silhouetteofthenight: Thanks for sharing the preview link, Borce! I really lovE Vse Chto Ty Hochesh and Somebody's Loving You. And Ya Lyublyu Tebya seems amazing too. Can't wait to buy the whole album. Btw are there any links to online stores yet where it can be bought? I tried these two links, but they don't work 0.o
Gladys: silhouetteofthenight Snezana, Dima`s direction promised to give links else I hope they will be work
Borce: I love the message that Dima posted about the promotion of his album !!!!He wrote such a sweet message.He is really the best and always have time for his fans...I knew it that he will write message here after the promotion!!!!!!!!!!!I'm proud to be called Dima's fan!!!!!!!!!
MiriamEla: Friends!Thanks huge to everyone who has come also spirit have been adjusted in support of my work! I am very grateful to you for your kind words, for bouquets and, that the most important, for patience... Was and still the most important will be much told, written, but, that anybody from present has not remained indifferent to this enchantling spectacle of music and a "electric" gnash))) indifference is the most terrible, but I look, that far from it, friends! Thanks once again and up to new meetings! Aww, thanks, Dima. ^^ (No PM this time, but I guess I can't have everything...)
Borce: I LOVE "Я Люблю Тебя" .The song totaly ROCKS and will be mega hit....I love Dima's voice ,the music,the lyrics...EVERYTHING!!!! The song is PERFECT!!!!!!!My new favourite song of Dimka......Я закрыл глаза.....Я тону в огне.....Я люблю тебя. Btw I read the news about "Мисс ИнтеркОНТиненталь-2009" and YAYYYYYY He will be there but now not only like host but also like performer ...I'm sooooo happy about that!!!! He will ROCK and RULE there!!!!I can't wait for that amazing show!!!!
miranda: I really really love the new song! it's just awesome!! and i got so happy when i read that he was going to host and perform on Miss InterkONTinental 2009!
Gladys: Heroic rest of Dmitriy Koldun. This summer George and Dmitriy Koldun were visiting France. They were hired a machine and traveled all over a few French cities. - There was I after a helm drove on high speed, on habit which appeared in Moscow - told Dmitriy Koldun - in the beginning I did not understand that the fires, look like the flashes of cameras, periodically flash on the left. And only on the next day I saw, that this video- cameras watch violators. Therefore each day I was waiting for punishment. But it was not happened The impression I had after I was visited the Disneyland. The I especially remembered the hills of spaces - There was «The studio of Disney», where the technologies of the cinema was presented. You in the bus and feel himself like the hero of film which gets in different alterations and catastrophes. At first overcome the area of military operations, where all burst truly. The real flood was happened then. Then the lines of electricity transmissions and water-towers fall on a bus, and all of it was accompanied frightful sounds and howls. In the total (as any superhero) go out living and unharmed. After such attraction-presentation I made conclusion: a superhero can be each!
Gladys: News Presentation of debut album "Koldun" in Byelorussia The 26th on September,2009 the concert-presentation of the solo album of Dmitriy Koldun will take place in the Minsk club «REACTOR» (Byelorussia), which at the beginning of this month passed in Moscow. Now and the habitants of native for Koldun Byelorussia will be able to see and hear his independent musical performances. Dmitriy Koldun: - "Minsk is my home and favourite town, I am always pleasant to come here. This time it is the special occasion – I invite you on the first birthday of the disk. Come,it will be interesting!" Tickets on kontsert-prezentatioon in the cashdesks of club «REACTOR» (Minsk, ul.Веры Khoruzhey, д.29). Began in 22:00 (бел.вр.).
MiriamEla: Somebody Loving You and Я Люблю Тебя are AWESOME in full! Although there is NO WAY I am going to hurt Dima by downloading them off the site.
miranda: how do you know they are awesome in full if you never heard them? :P and that link which was åosted, you have to pay for the songs. and sb's loving you isn't on the muzgruz site either...
Borce: Miranda here you can listen them:(they are on his official site in the audio part) Ela I TOTALY agree with you!!!!Dima 's team put the songs only for LISTENING and NOT for downloading so everyone should respect that and to be honest and fer for Dimka because everyone should buy a copy of the album'"KOLDUN".... Btw Gladys thanks for the info !!!!I can't waitttt for the second promotion!!!!!!!!! The promotion in Minsk will be so special because Minsk is his native city!!!!!!!!
miranda: oh ok, thanks for the link, i didn't know that! i looooooooooooooooove somebody's loving you!!!!! have they started playing it on the koldun radio yet?
lennylen: "Somebody's loving you" is really a great song, especially the new heavy version. I like the old one as well.
ybet: Is this official vkontakte??
Gladys: ybet Evy,Yes!!! This is official page Vkontakte!!!
Borce: I became member there!!!! The page is soooo.. cool and I'm so glad that is created ...I love the photo that is used for the page because I really loveee Dima's logo!!!!
Gladys: Your impressions after listening of album "KOLDUN "? - I like album so much. I want to listen and listen... - Never thought, that word *happy* I can find a reflection in a small black with white quadrate with the round disk inside - For me I was not found minuses. It is pleasant to hold it in the arms, to listen and enjoy songs and singing And yes, it is not ashamed to show album to friends :))) - Here is the real KOLDUN, - inverting all inwardly voice, as hear him first time,when you come on date with a dream and trembling knees. 47 minutes on one breath. On one wave - I hear a disk, it REAL, SINCERER and HONEST (in any event, I perceive him so), unlike from many today's so-called *projects*. - From tomorrow i will begin to promotion * KOLDUN* for another people)). True, there are minuses. )). . There are little songs. Catastrophically little.It is pity there are not all known hits in the album. - Album is good, but not is revolutionary. - Did not let down. But it not gave new feelings, impressions, gladness. *account about done work*. (с) Unfortunately, new arrangements did not succeed to breathe new life into old songs. - We will not to see world glory , comrades, with so-and-so musical material, we will not to not see stadium and tower. Success, to you, Dima .Belief is not present, but a hope on last.... suddenly? Well do not be too sure!? - I did not hear disk while. I am waiting! I am sure I like absolutely all! - I did not hear disk while But not. I am not waiting anything good from it, judging to songs which were entered in it. -the your opinion (in a comment).
MiriamEla: DIMA MAKES AN AMAZING CLASSICAL SINGER. Just wanted to put that out there. If you don't know what I'm talking about, look at his latest post.
lennylen: It is awesome!!! His post is so unusual and he is very good in this style.
Gladys: I heard Silva..... I am in shock! But I like it!
Borce: And I'm in shock too!!!!I really didn't know that he can sing opera...I really love his voice in Silva!!! He is true artist because he really can sing everything and I'm really impress and proud like his fan about that... I love the rock efects that he is making with his voice when he sings rock songs and also the pop efects when he sings pop songs.....And now we also know that he can sing opera.....BRAVO DIMKA!!!!!!!!!!!
ybet: That was Dima's voice??? I really thought that it wasn't him, his voice is so different! Bravo Dima
MiriamEla: Yeah, if you listen closely you can hear his voice as we knew it come out a little on some notes. Like when he says "счастье" at the beginning.
iviK: Hi all! I love the Silva too. It simply proves how versatile he is! He can sing rock, pop, opera... he can be actor, host...everything! :-)
nadia2: I really love the new Silva, it's so great that he can sing so many different styles!
Borce: Welcome here Iva!!!!! I want to wish Dima THE BEST PRESENTATON EVER in his native Minsk !!!!!!!I know that will be something special and Dima is so exaited for tonight because he will present to his people his album so I also want to wish the best night ever from those fans from here that will go!!!!I hope that they will take a lot of pictures because we all here want to see the atmosphere there!!!!! Also TOMORROW(27.09.2009) is also one important event for Dima that is on international level...That is "MISS InterkONTinental 2009" Thanks to Vika(who gave me the link)we all who don't have the OHT tv channel can watch the show here: So just turn on the link on 22:00pm(Moscow time) and you can watch and suport Dimka!!! GOOD LUCK to Dima also for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!I can't waitttt to see him!!!! I count down the days for these two events and I'm soooo happy that finally the events are here!!!!!!