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ybet: I like the clip very much, Dima is so funny in some moments! :)))) Honestly, the only thing that I didnt like was the photoshop on Dima`s eyes and on the pink shirt, i think it was too much, just my opinion But after all I love it My fav clip with wym (but i think i love wym more )
Stella: I agree with you ybet the video clip was amazing!dima looks awesome in the clip but i agree...i dont like the photoshoot in dima's eyes it is too much but his t-shirt was nice it suits on him it makes him very sweet!i love this video clip is the best for me!! But i also like ya dlya tebya...those two clips are the best for me
nadia2: I love this video, it's so nice and I love all the effects
lennylen: The clip was fine. I liked the special effects the most, and that makes it brighter. I just wanted to see more action from Dmitriy. In general dancing in the studio was fun...and of course it was with Dmitriy!!!
Gladys: Blog of Dmitriy Koldun on MAIL.RU "Interesting thing! Recently I was guest of Dmitriy Chetvergov and noticed this . Always amused this effect and I got on a few days to play ))). I think to take it on the nearest concert, as one of guitarists will not be, think, my help as a guitarist will not prevent. And I decided devote video to John Bon Jovi."
Borce: I damn LOVEEEEE the video that Dimka posted on the blog for many reasons: 1.When I saw for the first time the video and when I saw Dimka I said WOWWWW because he really looks amazing!!!! 2.I love his clothes and haircut!!!! 3.I love ESPECIALY his new trainers so so so much!!!!!!! 4.I love the intersting instrument on which he played... 5.Dimka was damn cool when he was singing!!!!I love the efects that he was making with that intersting thing!!!! 6.The song that he was singing,his voice,interpretation are AMAZING!!!! 7.Many many other reasons... Dimka SPASIBO for the video!!!I really enjoyed!!!!!!!! Gladys SPASIBO for the info and the translation!!!!!
MiriamEla: Wtf it looks like he's eating the microphone...
lennylen: Eating a microphone... well, yeah! You need to do that in order to get this type of sound; otherwise you'll get whispers (I heard). Anyways, the performance was cool. I wonder, what Bon Jovi would say if they could watch this video. If there will be an opportunity to see these Jersey boys soon, then I wouldn't mind to show it to them.
Gladys: Today is the Birthday of radio_KOLDUN!!!
Gladys: From the unsound part of the cultural program BITHDAY-2009 Dmitriy Koldun (DK).
Gladys: "Photos from the albom of radio_Koldun" The о rock-opery "Star and death of Hoakina Mur'ety"
Gladys: The clip "Tune on to me" in HD-quality on Do You want to get the summer mood ? So look a clip of Dmitriy Koldun on ! Thanks for info to radio_koldun
Gladys: The 3rd of August Dmitry Koldun will be in Lipetsk Region with solo-concert News from officcial site.
Gladys: The 3rd of Septembers 2009 in the Moscow club B2 will be PPRESENTATION OF THE FIRST SOLO- ALBUM OF DMITRIY KOLDUN It`s the first independent musical work of Dmitriy. Preparation of presentation album was during about year. Musical material was written in the absolutely «living» sound with participation of Dmitriy`s musicians. Tickets on a this presentation will appear in the nearest time in cash desks of club and Internet cash desks. Watch news. News from officcial site and the radio Koldun
Borce: YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Today is ONE MONTH till Dima's album!!!!!!!!!! I also saw the site of the club B2 and I really like the club where will be the promotion !!!!!!!Now I'm sooooooo but sooooo curious about the name of the album!!!!!! This news really made my day and I'm damn happyyy now!!!!!!! Спасибо огромное Димка!!!!! ...Now and his international fans know about the news because I opened a special topic about this lovely news on his english forum!!!!!