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nadia2: I love Dima's clothes in the promotion, and all the versions of the songs are amazing! And Ela, the video is so great, well done!
MiriamEla: I made a collective preview of the album:
silhouetteofthenight: Thanks for sharing the preview link, Borce! I really lovE Vse Chto Ty Hochesh and Somebody's Loving You. And Ya Lyublyu Tebya seems amazing too. Can't wait to buy the whole album. Btw are there any links to online stores yet where it can be bought? I tried these two links, but they don't work 0.o
Gladys: silhouetteofthenight Snezana, Dima`s direction promised to give links else I hope they will be work
Borce: I love the message that Dima posted about the promotion of his album !!!!He wrote such a sweet message.He is really the best and always have time for his fans...I knew it that he will write message here after the promotion!!!!!!!!!!!I'm proud to be called Dima's fan!!!!!!!!!
MiriamEla: Friends!Thanks huge to everyone who has come also spirit have been adjusted in support of my work! I am very grateful to you for your kind words, for bouquets and, that the most important, for patience... Was and still the most important will be much told, written, but, that anybody from present has not remained indifferent to this enchantling spectacle of music and a "electric" gnash))) indifference is the most terrible, but I look, that far from it, friends! Thanks once again and up to new meetings! Aww, thanks, Dima. ^^ (No PM this time, but I guess I can't have everything...)
Borce: I LOVE "ß Ëþáëþ Òåáÿ" .The song totaly ROCKS and will be mega hit....I love Dima's voice ,the music,the lyrics...EVERYTHING!!!! The song is PERFECT!!!!!!!My new favourite song of Dimka......ß çàêðûë ãëàçà.....ß òîíó â îãíå.....ß ëþáëþ òåáÿ. Btw I read the news about "Ìèññ ÈíòåðêÎÍÒèíåíòàëü-2009" and YAYYYYYY He will be there but now not only like host but also like performer ...I'm sooooo happy about that!!!! He will ROCK and RULE there!!!!I can't wait for that amazing show!!!!
miranda: I really really love the new song! it's just awesome!! and i got so happy when i read that he was going to host and perform on Miss InterkONTinental 2009!
Gladys: Heroic rest of Dmitriy Koldun. This summer George and Dmitriy Koldun were visiting France. They were hired a machine and traveled all over a few French cities. - There was I after a helm drove on high speed, on habit which appeared in Moscow - told Dmitriy Koldun - in the beginning I did not understand that the fires, look like the flashes of cameras, periodically flash on the left. And only on the next day I saw, that this video- cameras watch violators. Therefore each day I was waiting for punishment. But it was not happened The impression I had after I was visited the Disneyland. The I especially remembered the hills of spaces - There was «The studio of Disney», where the technologies of the cinema was presented. You in the bus and feel himself like the hero of film which gets in different alterations and catastrophes. At first overcome the area of military operations, where all burst truly. The real flood was happened then. Then the lines of electricity transmissions and water-towers fall on a bus, and all of it was accompanied frightful sounds and howls. In the total (as any superhero) go out living and unharmed. After such attraction-presentation I made conclusion: a superhero can be each!
Gladys: News Presentation of debut album "Koldun" in Byelorussia The 26th on September,2009 the concert-presentation of the solo album of Dmitriy Koldun will take place in the Minsk club «REACTOR» (Byelorussia), which at the beginning of this month passed in Moscow. Now and the habitants of native for Koldun Byelorussia will be able to see and hear his independent musical performances. Dmitriy Koldun: - "Minsk is my home and favourite town, I am always pleasant to come here. This time it is the special occasion – I invite you on the first birthday of the disk. Come,it will be interesting!" Tickets on kontsert-prezentatioon in the cashdesks of club «REACTOR» (Minsk, ul.Âåðû Khoruzhey, ä.29). Began in 22:00 (áåë.âð.).
MiriamEla: Somebody Loving You and ß Ëþáëþ Òåáÿ are AWESOME in full! Although there is NO WAY I am going to hurt Dima by downloading them off the site.
miranda: how do you know they are awesome in full if you never heard them? :P and that link which was åosted, you have to pay for the songs. and sb's loving you isn't on the muzgruz site either...
Borce: Miranda here you can listen them:(they are on his official site in the audio part) Ela I TOTALY agree with you!!!!Dima 's team put the songs only for LISTENING and NOT for downloading so everyone should respect that and to be honest and fer for Dimka because everyone should buy a copy of the album'"KOLDUN".... Btw Gladys thanks for the info !!!!I can't waitttt for the second promotion!!!!!!!!! The promotion in Minsk will be so special because Minsk is his native city!!!!!!!!
miranda: oh ok, thanks for the link, i didn't know that! i looooooooooooooooove somebody's loving you!!!!! have they started playing it on the koldun radio yet?