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Borce: Btw we need a little help His international fans also will take a part of this lovely competition but we need the corect translation of the song so can someone translate"Nastroysa na menya" for us Pleaseee???
Gladys: But its not easy "Nastroysa na menya" Tune on to me Night. And fires are invite. Cars are never sleep - Infinite series. You - with a code on a hand You is swiming in the neon river - In the protracted jump. Refrain: I switch on my wave , You tune on to me. I will catch your wave - second before you. Light. Men-moths. Their hearts-locks are closed, All - as twins. Hide. Stained-glass windows-eyes. Do not believe smiles-addresses, and tender voices.
Borce: OMG spasibo ogromnoe Gladys You helped us a lot!!!Now is more easy to write the story!!!
silhouetteofthenight: wow! I like this new contest very much. Will try to put something together. also can't wait for the video then and release date of the album! yay! :))
miranda: yey! this is great news!!! and l love that song!
Sara: I'm really excited that he'll shoot a clip for that song, it's awesome
Gladys: Рlaylist radio KOLDUN. 19.06.09. - Alesya - (music: Олег Иванов, text Анатолий Поперечный) - Angel mechty - (music: Дмитрий Колдун, text: Денис Лис) - Bezrabotnaya lubov - (music: Баграт Вартанян, text: Константин Арсенев.) - Devushka mechty - Cha-cha-cha - Get up get down (Йорген Элофссон, Маки Колемайнен, Трэйси Липп) - Don’t fade awаy ( music: Баграт Вартанян, Дмитрий Колдун; text: Дмитрий Басик) - Instrument - I surrender (music: Илья Брылин, text: Илья Брылин/Сергей Саунин) - Kazhdiy den na zemle - (music: Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев) - Klyatva_Xoakina - (music: Алексей Рыбников, text: Павел Грушко) - May Be (text/music: Дмитрий Колдун) - Mest_Xoakina - (music: Алексей Рыбников, text: Павел Грушко) - Nastroisya_na_menya - (music: Дмитрий Колдун/ Баграт Вартанян, text: Ирина Секачева ) - Ne ray - (music: Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев ) - Ne ray instrument - Neseryozno (music: Виктор Дробыш, text: А. А'Ким) - Pesnya_Xoakina - (music: Алексей Рыбников, text: Павел Грушко) - Plach'_i_poy - Плачь и пой (music: Баграт Вартанян, Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев)- Plohaya novost (music:Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев) - Poezd na yug (music:Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев) - Po venam (music: Илья Брылин, text: Илья Брылин/Сергей Саунин) - Po venam instrument - Prosti za vse (music: Игорь Латышко/Виктор Дробыш, text: Игорь Латышко) - Reality of dreams (music: Баграт Вартанян, text: Дмитрий Басик) - Tebya luchshe net (music: Олег Елисеенков) - Ty uletish (music Руслан Квинта, text: Виталий Куровский) - Vals Boston (music/text: Александр Розенбаум) - Vechniy ogon (musicРафаил Хозак, text: Евгений Агранович) - Vse chto ty hochesh (music Дмитрий Колдун, text: Константин Арсенев)- Work Your Magic (Deep Zone Project Short Dance Remix) - Ya budu zhdat - Ya ne umru bez lubvi (text/music Андрей Микрюков) - Ya pridumal (music Илья Брылин, text: Илья Брылин) - Yarostniy_stroyotryad (music Александра Пахмутова, text: Николай Добронравов) - Zvezda_mix (music Алексей Рыбников, text Константин Арсенев, аранж:Дмитрий Четвергов)
Borce: I want to ask something ...Did someone from here watch the concert"Алые паруса" in Санкт-Петербург???So which songs Dima was singing there???If anybody knows please can tell me!!!
tusya: Borce, Dima wasn't showed on TV tonight so we can only wait for somebody's video on Youtube
Borce: Oh that is really sad I really wanted to see videos..but tonight also will show the concert"Песнi роднай зямлi" on TV so I really hope that someone will record it... About the concert in Санкт-Петербург I think that we will see pictures from his official site and also I hope on videos from youtube...Thanks for your answer!!!
miranda: he wasn't showed? the showed it on channel 5 in s:t petersburg. i even went to the website an checked.
Gladys: On the concert "Scarlet sails" Dima from stage said that he'll shoot a clip in St Petersburg !
Gladys: A scenario was chosen already And shooting of clip "Tune on to me" ALREADY begun in Saint Petersburg today! Dima will be in a role DJ on radio. The first photos from clip you can see here
Borce: OMGGGG started!!!!!!!! Dima looks so lovely on the set.......I can't wait to watch the video!!!!!!!!!!!!Btw who is the director???
ybet: Gladys thanx for the info! Dima looks amazing on those fotos, so sweeeet :)) cant wait to see the video clip!