mariya: This is an off-topic thread where you can talk about anything you want! But please remember to follow the forum rules, and that this is not a chat room with one-word replies. Enjoy!
Gladys: ybet Simple write it in comments on radio Koldun
ybet: and what i have to say??
Gladys: ybet Evy For example:I like the song "Reallity of dreams" I like music of this song so i give 10 points I like text so i give 10 points for text And i like vocal( how Dima is singing this song)-10 points So this song has 30 points
silhouetteofthenight: hmm I've only voted for the song...I think 0.o Gladys, where do we have to click to give points?
silhouetteofthenight: ahh just saw these posts on the last page now. ok, will write comments then. thanks for explaining Gladys. x]
silhouetteofthenight: oh, and can we comment there if we're not members on liveinternet? also, can we rate as many songs as we want?
ybet: Ok Gladys I voted silhouetteofthenight i think that yes, but i voted only for one by mistake
nadia2: I voted
ybet: Koldun will be in eurovision contest in Cyprus???
Gladys: ybet Evy yes!!!!!!!! Dima must be on consert in Cyprus The 12 th of septembre(EVROVISION JUNIOR)!!!!!!!!!!
mariya: Moment))) Dima will be in Minsk on 12th September because the country is only choosing the contestant who will represent Belarus on 22nd of November in Cyprus. 12th September is only the national final! :)
ybet: I`m comfused now He will be in final of belarussian selection are in cyprus for the final?? Or both??
Gladys: ybet Evy pardon me please..... Dima really will be in Minsk on 12th September,not in Cyprus I mistaked
ybet: Gladys Oh no :((((( It`s ok I thought he will be there in Cyprus
nadia2: It's a shame he's not in cyprus or evi maybe you could have gone to see him. But i still look foward to seeing him perform in Belarus!