mariya: This is an off-topic thread where you can talk about anything you want! But please remember to follow the forum rules, and that this is not a chat room with one-word replies. Enjoy!
Borce: The Junior Eurovision final will be on Belorusian tv right?So the time in Belarus and Rusia is the same right?Because I think that Julia gave us the link from the Belarusian chanel so we can see Dima.
silhouetteofthenight: Borce it's 21:40 Belarus time - you can see it heir on their tv schedule. ;]
Gladys: silhouetteofthenight Yes you right! The time in Belarus and Rusia is not the same It's 21:40 Belarus time In Moscow will be 22:40
Borce: So the fans who are living in Balcan's countrys can see the JESC in 20:40!Thank god that we have the link from the Belarusian Chanel so we can see Dima tonight!!!
miranda: thanks for the link! it's 20:40 here too then
nadia2: Thanks, it's 7:40 here and i'm so excited to watch it, i have it ready on my tv and computer so i don't miss it!
miranda: this is tonight, right?
ybet: Yes miranda is tonight in 2 hours I think?
miranda: yeah :)) thank you. i just wanted to be sure i didn't miss it :)))