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mariya: This is an off-topic thread where you can talk about anything you want! But please remember to follow the forum rules, and that this is not a chat room with one-word replies. Enjoy!
Gladys: ybet This show name- "The most of the clever"(Самый умный).You have seen this show?
ybet: Gladys i have this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK3ZqV2HBv0
Околдованная: The most clever is another TVshow for clever people. I think it will be very interesting to see Dima there.
ybet: Околдованная Yes cause he is very clever!! I will be very happy if he wilL win
Gladys: ybet You have seen another vedeo "Who want to be millioner". New tv-show was sooting in april .And it will be show only the 10 of may.
ybet: Gladys Again dima in millionaire??YESSSS this time he will win more moneys
Gladys: ybet No !!!!!! Dima is not on millioner agane it is another tv-show
Gladys: ybet Its show call "The most clever"
ybet: Gladys oh sorry im so stupid ok,and but it's like millionaire,you must be clever to win hehe
Gladys: ybet Do not speak such about yourself. And you right its tv-show like millionaire. And i have wonderful new.On site there is information that new Dimas video-clip will be on tv on this week !!!!!!! In this time i think its exactly will be!!!!!
ybet: Gladys Are you surious???? OMG!! Finally,oh,im so happy i realy CANNOT wait!!!
Околдованная: Hehe.. I hope that this information is true cause i can't wait anymore.
Gladys: No one cant wait! Its impossible! Its video-clip must be on tv before Evrovision! It would be better for Dima.
ybet: Yes but I didnt see this information to his site
mariya: To be honest, I don't see the difference whether its before or after Eurovision.Ok, suppose it will be shown before Eurovision, start of May? In a couple of weeks time, the videoclip will be forgotten, one of the reasons being is Eurovision. Everyone's brains will be "switched" to Eurovision. The last thing you want for a videoclip is to be forgotten after a few weeks of rotation. In my opinion, it will be better to show it after Eurovision (although everyone is tired of waiting already!) or just before the ablum is released, for extra PR :)
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