Форум » English 2007-2010 » Off-topic » Ответить
mariya: This is an off-topic thread where you can talk about anything you want! But please remember to follow the forum rules, and that this is not a chat room with one-word replies. Enjoy!
miranda: Haha, i see what you mean, sometimes that happends to me too and sometimes i hear words and can pronounce them, but i can't spell or write them
miranda: I wonder if you could upload the newest performance of Tsarevna at filefactory? I would be very happy if you could
zagadka: miranda The link is here. But it's on megaupload because filefactory doesn't work for me today
miranda: zagadka that's ok, it doesn't matter for me thank you so much!
ybet: i download it too,thank u so much.!!!
miranda: Have russia selected artist for the ESC yet?
mariya: miranda Yes. And once again it is Dima Bilan )))) The song is called "Believe"...and you can watch the video from th NF here > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cbcTnyXems
miranda: mariya thanks for the info :)))
miranda: Could someone upload Ya dlya tebya from Vika's concert again?
ybet: miranda which vik'as concert you mean?
zagadka: miranda For you :) Presentation of Vika's Dayneko album.flv, 8.28 MB - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KVRNCXS6
miranda: Thanks zagadka!
ybet: I heard that dima wikll go for eurovision again in 2010 ,is this true???
betuldima: wow this is great but it's so longtime
ybet: betuldima patience
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