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Off-topic. Part 3

mariya: This is an off-topic thread where you can talk about anything you want! But please remember to follow the forum rules, and that this is not a chat room with one-word replies. Enjoy! Please remember: 1. Not to post one-worded or very short replies such as "thank you". The forum has got a thank you button (Спасибо) at the bottom of everyones posts therefore please use it ! 2. Don't post replies in which you are talking about something that is only interesting to 1 or 2 other forum members. Remember, this is a forum, and your replies have to be interesting to all members. All posts which do not follow these rules will be deleted. Thank You.

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nadia2: awwww SPASIBA DIMA!

Stella: spasiba Dima you are so good!!!

Колдунья Алена: Dear women, girls, girlies and Ladies at large! Each of you is exquisite, special and extremely charming. You are truly the best creatures under the sun in this wild, wild world! From the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you oceans of human happiness and all the galaxies of ardent love at that! Let every minute of your life be bright and exciting, let men always embrace you with care and loving tenderness, and their eyes shine at you with the never-ending admiring glance...

Gladys: Today the International women day, the 8th of march!!! I want congratulate all girls from diffirent countries!!! And I WISH YOU LOTS OF HAPPINES, HEALTH AND LOVE !!!

miranda: Oh Dima you're such a cutie :))) Spasibo!

Borce: Dima is real gentalman!!!!He did amazing suprise for his girl fans!!! Happy woman's day to every girl here!!!!I can't wait to see some pictures and videos from Dima's concert tonight!!!!I'm very exited!!!

Borce: OMG I love the pictures of the concert!!!!!Like I see the concert was really amazing And from the comments that I read I see that everyone who was there is very happy and exited about the concert!!!From the pictures you can see that the concert was amazing and I can imagine how was to be present there!!! BTW which songs Dima sang?

ybet: I`m sorry, but WHAT Dima is doing there?? http://radikal.ru/F/s52.radikal.ru/i137/0903/f3/50886a230a60.jpg.html http://radikal.ru/F/s42.radikal.ru/i095/0903/68/ab02fdc1dede.jpg.html Thank you for the pics, they're great

Gladys: Dima simply was in a blow!!! Не wrung out from floor and jumped ... took off glasses from Vasi, put on itself........ Не enjoyed the appearance!!! Energentic was stunning and he it to us!!! He sang Somebody loving you,Безработная love, Angel of dream, Surrender, Train on southward, Czarevna, It is not paradise, WYM, Tune on to me... On the stage he was magnificent!!! And focus showed yet, on which not capable even Koperfild Dima said will return "Now!" hid after doors with inscription of WC and disappeared.... ( SORCERER.......) And we, naive wait 5 minutes, 10,15, 20.....45...... His administrator came and said that Dima would not come........

Gladys: The voting on Worldfashion is continue....Dima has a chance to win!!! We can support him!!! http://www.worldfashion.tv/english/corporate:departments:event:world_fashion_awards_2009:poll/#

miranda: when does it end?

Gladys: miranda I read in the middle of the march.... I mean voting......

Aurelly: ybet пишет: Dima said will return "Now!" hid after doors with inscription of WC and disappeared.... ( SORCERER.......) And we, naive wait 5 minutes, 10,15, 20.....45...... His administrator came and said that Dima would not come........ What was wrong with Dima ???? It sounds very strange, is it? Why he did not come???

Gladys: Aurelly Dima,he is ok!!! Simple we was waiting for him after consert because he promised return back...... But he could not..... May be he was very tired after such emotional consert And he did not want to show this to his fans...... Friendly speaking i do not know real reason Now its not important He gave to us perfect, magnificent,fantastic,amasing consert!!! My heart belongs to him......

Gladys: Dima has diary now on Yes! Stars!!! http://blogs.yes.com.ru/koldun

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