mariya: This is an off-topic thread where you can talk about anything you want! But please remember to follow the forum rules, and that this is not a chat room with one-word replies. Enjoy! Please remember: 1. Not to post one-worded or very short replies such as "thank you". The forum has got a thank you button (Ñïàñèáî) at the bottom of everyones posts therefore please use it ! 2. Don't post replies in which you are talking about something that is only interesting to 1 or 2 other forum members. Remember, this is a forum, and your replies have to be interesting to all members. All posts which do not follow these rules will be deleted. Thank You.
ybet: Does Dima won on fashion awards??? he looks so adorable!
zagadka: ybet No, Bilan won on Fashion Awards
miranda: i think koldun deserved it more :)) he has a better style :)))
Stella: yes i agree with you miranda.and koldun was so handsome on Fashion Awards
nadia2: He looked so great, i can't wait to see the performance.
silhouetteofthenight: I second that Nadia. :)
Gladys: News Dmitry Koldun got under Taxi on March, 21 2009 Today after completion of work in a sound-recording studio Dmitry went out on a street and headed for the car, as suddenly to him came running two youths of man and operator with a chamber and asked to help with an answer for video-question of the channel of TNT of «Taxi» program. Koldun passed together with participants in a taxi and helped them to gain a cherished prize. A program anchorman was shocked appearance of such casual star «passer-by-helper». All made off well.
Fay Rodis: Thank you very much for this new. And when it will be shown on TV? (excuse me for my mistakes )))
Gladys: I think its know those showmen from channel TNT.....
silhouetteofthenight: geez, Gladys! you nearly gave me a heart attack here lol When I read the title 'got under taxi' I thought he was hit by it Thanks for these news. x]
Gladys: silhouetteofthenight Snezana A heart attack had many girls from forum when were reading this title .....
silhouetteofthenight: Gladys ah ok, I'm glad it was just a misunderstanding ^^
ybet: silhouetteofthenight ïèøåò: geez, Gladys! you nearly gave me a heart attack here lol When I read the title 'got under taxi' I thought he was hit by it oh, me too..! glad that everything is ok! i hope it will be shown this video soon ;)
nadia2: me too, i got so scared
mariya: Ok girls, I know the heading was a scary one and to be honest, it actually does sound more like from a light-headed showbiz newspaper article, but Dima is in good health, and everything is ok with him. Please lets move onto a different topic....