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Off-topic. Part 3

mariya: This is an off-topic thread where you can talk about anything you want! But please remember to follow the forum rules, and that this is not a chat room with one-word replies. Enjoy! Please remember: 1. Not to post one-worded or very short replies such as "thank you". The forum has got a thank you button (Спасибо) at the bottom of everyones posts therefore please use it ! 2. Don't post replies in which you are talking about something that is only interesting to 1 or 2 other forum members. Remember, this is a forum, and your replies have to be interesting to all members. All posts which do not follow these rules will be deleted. Thank You.

Ответов - 345 новых, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 All

silhouetteofthenight: Do you like how Dima sang the song "Star" on charitable gala-concert in Manezh Hall ? I like it so much He was singing and only piano and guitara were playing....... It was so wonderful!!! His voice....... I have not words .... I agree it was really beautiful performance, I loved his voice there :)

miranda: have you seen the video where he was crying? it was so beautiful. i get so emotional when i watch it.

Borce: Yeah I saw it!!!It was the best !!!!Dima is hilarious!!!!I agree so emocional but I think that Dima was jokeing at the end!!!!He is always intersting and orginal!!!!I love his style and hair there!!!!!BTW did you see the tv show Taksi?Dima was wearing that coat from ESC 2007.I love that coat and +the glasses looks great on him!!!!!But I'm the so happy about the HQ "Zvezda" performance.Dima there is like an angel:his voice,style,emocions and HAIR are perfect!!!!!

miranda: ooh, taksi was really great. it was so fun when the two guys found out that they just had got help from dima and his new version of zvezda really touches my heart. he's really an angel

Borce: Yeah I agree with you for me was really intersting to watch.And my heart too!!!!!Yeah and better than real angel!!!!!!!!Now I only wnat to see HQ performance from World fashion awards!!!!!!!!!I hope on that too soon!!!!!!

Gladys: The HQ "Zvezda" its perfect Its on offisial site http://www.koldun.name/ru/video/2009/ http://homepage.mac.com/koldunmedia/.Public/2009/Koldun_blagotvorit.wmv

nadia2: Ilove it, it's a really great performance

Borce: Yeah I 100% agree with you Nadia BTW guys can some translate for me this few facts about Dima: В школе я играл на гитаре и украдкой курил сигареты. Меня нельзя назвать хорошим водителем. Никогда не буду говорить никогда. Всегда с сомнением смотрю на выступление политиков. Чтобы подружиться со мной никаких особых условий не нужно.

Gladys: Borce Borislav translations for you A few facts about Dima At school I played on a guitar and smoked cigarettes. I can not be named a good driver. I never will talk never. I always look with doubt at appearance of politicians. It is not need special terms to make friends with me

Borce: Thanks Gladys you are always ready to help!!! I love all 5 things!!!!Very intersting to read and know!!!

silhouetteofthenight: have you seen the video where he was crying? it was so beautiful. i get so emotional when i watch it. just saw it. that's really nice of him to record a clip for us. I really liked it. But at the end I think he was kidding..at least I got such impression xD

Gladys: New voting on the radio KOLDUN http://www.liveinternet.ru/community/radio_koldun/post100277692/ http://www.liveinternet.ru/polls.php?cmd=showpoll&pollid=886680 On-line conference of Dmitriy Koldun from a studio *Lizard* Your opinion ? - It was Good conference was, i knew a lot interesting. - Conference was please, but more strict premoderatsiya would not prevent. Some questions were, put it mildly... - I Smiled all conference. Dmitriy is joking remarkable . -Conference was not please. An idea was quite good, but Koldun`s joking - on an amateur. - This was the first and last conference of Koldun, which I looked. Heart-rending spectacle. - Goodness,turned off a computer through 5 mines after beginning. Let sings, it better for him,than to answer on questions . - And what on-line conference and who such to answer Koldun? - it is your variant.

Borce: I read that Dima wrote the reasons why he don't act in the rock opera anymore so I tried to translate this but I don't understand nothing because my translation don't have sence ,so can someone again translate this for me:(sorry If I bother) заявление. Если я и буду принимать участие в рок-опере в дальнейшем, то только в полной ее версии во всех смыслах. Если в словосочетании "рок-опера" есть слово, которое не принимает фанеру в принципе, то я его тоже не принимаю в рамках данного мероприятия. Пока не будет ПОЛНОГО соства группы Четвергова (а не гитариста и барабанщика, неизвестных мне доселе, играющих поверх), меня там НЕ БУДЕТ. Почему региональный зритель, в отличие от столичного, должен видеть произведение в таком неполном исполнении...

Gladys: Borce Translation for you If I will take part in rock-opera in future, only in its complete version in all senses. If in combination of words a "rock-opera" is word which does not adopt fonogramma in principle, I also do not adopt it. (Dima want to sing rock-opera with alive sound) While there will not be the COMPLETE groups of Chetvergova (instead of guitarist and drummer, unknown me , playing over), I will not BE in rock-opera Why a regional spectator, unlike from capital, must see work in such incomplete perfomance...

silhouetteofthenight: I just have one question about online conference post with voting on radio Koldun, is there that text below transcript of the chat, cause when I translate it the questions and answers aren't the same from that one Gladys has translated for us, so I'm not sure what's that there..either way could someone please translate it if it's not the same? I'm referring to that part from here onward В студии «Ящерица» началась он-лайн конференция Дмитрия Колдуна. Пока Дмитрий сосредоточенно вглядывался в листы формата А4, пытаясь разобрать сложный машинописный текст и вникнуть в суть вопросов, за его спиной (вернее практически на его спине) велась довольно интересная беседа. На правом плече ДК сидела белая ящерка, помахивая крылышками и поигрывая на лире (Ангел ), на левом плече примостилась красная рогатая ящерка, в настоящий момент усиленно ковырявшая в зубах трезубцем (Черт ). А.- Прекращай ковыряться в зубах, это неэстетично. Ч. -Кончай бренчать на своей балалайке, хочу и ковыряюсь. А наш-то разошелся, прямо соловьем заливается. С чего бы это? А.- Разуй свои заплывшие жиром глаза, конференция у нас. Ч.- Да? И что, интересно? А.-Ну, сам послушай. Ящерицы замолчали и по студии раснесся Димин голос, зачитывающий очередной вопрос.

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