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Off-topic. Part 2

mariya: This is an off-topic thread where you can talk about anything you want! But please remember to follow the forum rules, and that this is not a chat room with one-word replies. Enjoy! Please remember: 1. Not to post one-worded or very short replies such as "thank you". The forum has got a thank you button (Спасибо) at the bottom of everyones posts therefore please use it ! 2. Don't post replies in which you are talking about something that is only interesting to 1 or 2 other forum members. Remember, this is a forum, and your replies have to be interesting to all members. All posts which do not follow these rules will be deleted. Thank You.

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ybet: Happy halloween from me too =)) [sorry for the late reply] hey, the second new pic, is sooo sweet [even that i still hate his beard thing ]

Gladys: Рlaylist radio KOLDUN. 1.11.08. - Alesya - Алеся (Музыка: Олег Иванов, слова Анатолий Поперечный) - Angel mechty - Ангел мечты (Музыка: Дмитрий Колдун, слова: Денис Лис) - Bezrabotnaya lubov - - Безработная любовь (Музыка: Баграт Вартанян, слова: Константин Арсенев.) - Devushka mechty - Девушка моей мечты - Cha-cha-cha - Ча-ча-ча (Формула счастья). - Get up get down (Йорген Элофссон, Маки Колемайнен, Трэйси Липп) - Instrument - I surrender (Музыка: Илья Брылин, слова: Илья Брылин/Сергей Саунин) - Kazhdiy den na zemle - -Каждый день на земле (Музыка: Дмитрий Колдун, слова: Константин Арсенев) - May Be (Слова/музыка: Дмитрий Колдун) - Ne ray -- Это не рай (Музыка: Дмитрий Колдун, слова: Константин Арсенев ) - Ne ray instrument - Neseryozno - Несерьезно (Музыка: Виктор Дробыш, слова: А. А'Ким) - Plohaya novost - ПЛОХАЯ news (Музыка:Дмитрий Колдун, слова: Константин Арсенев) -Poezd na yug -Поезд на юг (Музыка:Дмитрий Колдун, слова: Константин Арсенев) - New, c 1.11.08 - Po venam - По венам (Музыка: Илья Брылин, слова: Илья Брылин/Сергей Саунин) - Po venam instrument - Prosti za vse - Прости за все (Музыка: Игорь Латышко/Виктор Дробыш, слова: Игорь Латышко) - Reality of dreams (Музыка: Баграт Вартанян, слова: Дмитрий Басик) - Tebya luchshe net - Тебя лучше нет (Музыка: Олег Елисеенков) - Ty uletish - Ты улетишь (Музыка: О. Макаревич, слова: В. Куревский) - Vals Boston - Вальс-бостон (Музыка/слова: Александр Розенбаум) - Vechniy ogon - Вечный огонь, песня из кинофильма "Офицеры" (Музыка:Рафаил Хозак, слова: Евгений Агранович) - Vse chto ty hochesh - Все, то ты хочешь (Музыка: Дмитрий Колдун, слова: Константин Арсенев) - Work Your Magic (Dance Remix) - Ya budu zhdat - Я буду ждать - Ya ne umru bez lubvi - Я не умру (Слова/музыка: Андрей Микрюков) - Ya pridumal - Я придумал (Музыка: Илья Брылин, слова: Илья Брылин) - Yarostniy_stroyotryad - Яростный стройотряд (Музыка: Александра Пахмутова, слова: Николай Добронравов)

Gladys: I like new song very much!!!!!!!!! Dima wrote wonderful song again!!!!!!!! Soon will be winter but Dima is singing about 'Train to the South' The weather is changing but this song really heat up

nadia2: I like this song a lot!

mariya: Not to be odd, but I didn't like the song .. don't know, but didn't like it at all. I didn't feel that "special thing" that makes it different. There's not drive in it for me....perhaps a bit boring... Sorry for being negative, but that's my opinion.

ybet: mariya , well it's sure not a hit of him, but I think is nice, it has nice music at the beggining.. but he has better ones for sure of my opinion

silhouetteofthenight: Happy belated Halloween guys! ^^ I adore this new song! I don't know why, but I really like the melody & lyrics too, it's really special. Ybet that new 2nd pic really is sweet! can't wait to se the other ones from the photoshoot! ^^

Borce: His new pictures are THE BEST!!!I love those when Dima is close!!!He is sooo...beautiful there!!! They are simply briliant!!!

ybet: Yes, Dima is very goodlooking and sweet on the new photos

nadia2: I really love this new rock opera photoshoot!!

Gladys: I like too new pictures from rock opera photosession Dima is very goodlooking and handsome!!!!!!! But he is very seriously on some fotos..... His role in rock opera is very difficult...... But he is talented And he will play it!!!!!!!

Borce: Yes he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I saw some parts when he is acting in the interview on REN tv and he is acting amazing!!!

silhouetteofthenight: I agree Borce! I love this new photoshoot pictures as well! ^^

miranda: I love the new photoshoot, especially the close-ups! And i think he's so sexy with that beard-thing, even though I have to get used to it lol and I really think he is talented when it comes to the rock opera.

Stella: well my opinion is that he is very sweet in the new photoshoot but i dont like the beard like Ybet said!!it doesnt suit to him!he is better without this!!but he is still sweet like always!!

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